Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hear Comes the Sun!

After a grey day and rain during the evening and night....the sun is peaking back out!  I'm so glad.  I have so much more ambition when the sun shines....even though I know the Son is always shining on me.  I just need that visual reminder.

I did very little yesterday, but I did shower and get dressed and went to the college for the farewell party for Connie Herbert.  She worked at the college for 13 years and in several offices, so made lots of friends.  The room was packed.  She will be missed by those still there, but I'm sure she will keep in contact with a group of us women I call the retiree's and wannabee's.  Connie isn't retiring though, she is going back to Moose Lake State Hospital for Sex work....she is not being incarcerated....the program is for men only. 

I had a great time, cause I got to visit with so many people I hadn't seen in a long time....and you know I'm a people when missing sun, people are a close second.  I got to tell my tale of Mayo visits, and got to hear about others who are in similiar or worse conditions.  I got added to many prayer lists and have a few to add to mine.  I also got lots of hugs and well wishes....just what I needed with only days before the journey starts.

On my way home, I went to Home Depot to return some grout I didn't need, and ran into a very long time friend Diane Whitcraft and her husband Lee.  It was so nice to see her and visit with the two of them.  So my day just kept getting better.

Today I may do some shopping, looking for things for the cabin.  Then this afternoon I will spend at the carnival, working at the Bottle Blast booth from 3-6.  May take in the Roast Beef dinner after that and probably play a little bingo.

Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, so after church I will head up to the cabin and put up some more pictures and arrange furniture etc.  Depends on what I find today.  Looking for a comfy chair to sit in and watch the birds and chipmunks when I can't be out on the deck!  Wish me luck.

Love and prayers, m

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