Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I woke up at 8 a.m. and didn't want to get out of bed right away as I couldn't eat or drink (12 hour fast) before they drew my blood. But then I fell back to sleep and didn't wake up again till 9:15 and my appointment to have my blood drawn was 9:30, so I rushed out of the house and got my blood drawn and then had to wait till 10:00 a.m to have my port flushed. I stopped on the way home and got some breakfast and coffee immediately. By then the blog was long gone from my mind.
I went down to put some clothes in the wash and low and behold I found two more dead mice. One that was poisoned, and one that was trapped. So I got poor Doug on the phone and he came over and disposed of them for me. He reset the trap for me too! It looks like they didn't get any farther than the laundry room, as the other decon I have out doesn't look like it was touched.
I then had to pack and wrap some gifts and get ready to go for today, and also shower and get dressed to go out for dinner at 5, and then the play at the college.
Dinner was great and visiting with Rosie, Sandi and Ann is always fun. The play was probably the best I've ever seen at the college. Only two performances left, so I can't encourage you to go, it's probably too late for that. But if you can, the "Anatomy of Gray" was fantastic. The acting was great, the story was as well, and theater in the round was so well done. I laughed and cried.
During dinner last night someone mentioned my blog, and I realized I hadn't written it....Judy was the only one who wrote wondering if I was okay. So I guess it wasn't a big problem.
This morning, I have to get moving pretty quickly again. I have a few things to do before I meet Judy at noon in Hudson and then drive the rest of the way to Colfax, WI for the wedding and then to Eau Claire for the reception and over night at a hotel there. Then early tomorrow morning we will go back to Colfax for Cousins Christmas and celebrate Uncle John (he plans on being there) and Florence's 51st wedding anniversary. So I won't be writing tomorrow morning either. I may write later in the day, or just wait till Monday morning.
I did get the results of my blood work, and every thing looks great. My cholesterol is 132 which is great, and my potassium is up in the normal range as well. My port flushed perfectly, no problems there either.
Love and prayers, m
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