I can still remember like it was yesterday the day Emily was born! Her mom tried for days to deliver her naturally, and finally had to have a C section, and poor Emily's head looked like a cone head!! And she was so chubby her dad called her a little piggy!! It didn't take long for her to become this beautiful young women she is today. I don't remember what the weather was that day, but I'm sure the sun was shining at the hospital that day. She was our second grand child, and our first granddaughter. Love you Em and hope the sun shines for you all year!
Must get dressed and run to church, so this will be short. I got to go to the new Hockey rink and see Coon Rapids, skate their first JV and Varsity games. Both Nicole and Allie skated well and played a great game, but neither were able to win! But their friends the Hannula girls, each got a special note by being the first to sit in the penalty box in the JV game and also to score the first goal in the varsity game. Today I'll watch Matthew skate, and then have the gang over to celebrate Doug's birthday. So for today, Love and prayers, m
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