Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Don't See Snow!

But I heard some places in Minnesota did. The neighbor is still working clearing leaves from mine and Wally's (next door) yards. He must be worried it will snow and there will still be leaves on the grass. I really appreciate all the work he has put into my yard....he has put in a lot of hours working on it. Thanks Jim.
I did get Emily's package ready to mail yesterday, and did deliver meals, I also made myself a pot of beef stew, and almost ate the whole thing. Between 3 and 9 p.m. I had four bowls. With the left overs, I'm gonna make Brunswick stew today.
I have to run over to the P.O. to get Em's package in the mail, and I get to go out for a college gathering at Billy's in Anoka later this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing some people I haven't seen in a long time and getting caught up on all the gossip. Don't have any other big plans....I may have to resort to cleaning.
Please keep Lottie and Ginny in your prayers....and please keep me in them too! Love and prayers, m

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