Friday, November 11, 2011

Not Starting Out Well

I already missed the garbage pickup for the week, but the recycling gets picked up much later, so when I finish this, I'll get dressed and get it out there. With any luck that will get picked up, cause that's usually the most full anyway. With just me the garbage is usually one or two small bags in the bottom of the barrel.
Yesterday afternoon I went up to Billy's in Anoka, and surprised Val for her 65th birthday. It really isn't till Monday, but the college is closed today for Veterans Day, (or as most call it: Hunting 3-day Weekend) so they planned it for yesterday. Lots of people showed up....I'm guessing around 30. The 2 tables of 12 each kept recycling through out the evening. I left around 7 p.m. and there was still about a dozen there....but several of them were leaving too! Val was surprised, and seemed Happy. She had blatantly asked her husband to give her a surprise party and he declined. But she admitted that he did go beyond her imagination with a great gift of a new droid phone. So all and all it was a Happy Day. For me it was fun to see all of those that showed up, cause some I hadn't seen them in years....along with a few I see regularly.
Earlier in the day I did get that package mailed, but today being a holiday, I'm sure Em won't get it till Monday....but it will be her birthday is Sunday. Let's see if I can remember that on Sunday.
I also did some shopping, hoping to spend $50 so I could use Cub's $5 off coupon, wasn't a problem....I ended up spending $80....have enough in the house right now for the next month....but of course, Thanksgiving is coming and I'll have to shop for that too! Turkey, Stuffing stuff and Potatoes all need to be purchased. I'm sure I'll be able to spend $50 again next week too!
Today I may be going out or may have company for dinner. Tried to get the family all together for Ann and Doug's birthdays as I usually do, but I couldn't manage that. So Doug and family and Bill, Kim and kids will come on Sunday afternoon for Pizza, and Jimbo suggested we do something this evening, minus their Jack is in Duluth at school, and Nick already had plans. Only problem they haven't told me yet if we are going out, or eating in. Hmmmmm! At this point I guess going out would be better, cause I haven't cleaned or fixed anything, but I'm sure I could get that done quickly if they decide to come here.
Well, I better get busy. Prayers for Lottie and Ginny....I heard that Lottie's surgery went well, but they changed the diagnosis from Stage 1 to Stage 3, and she will need chemo. I really need to talk to her about that. I'm sure she is worried.
Love and prayers, m