Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Real Happy Birthday Doug and Ann

Okay, I've sunk to a new low....I can 't even remember what date a birthday is. I'm only pretty sure that today is really Doug and Ann's brithday is....not the 7th. But at least they got pre-birthday messages from me....I wasn't late like usual. I have no excuse, I haven't had chemo since Sept. 9, and I'm still young so it's not old age.
I had a nice lunch yesterday with a few woman from ARCC, and then headed out shopping Doug and Ann done, and almost done with Em. Then after dinner I voted and rushed off to the North Suburban Women's Club meeting. We made scarves for the ACBC Food bank, and I think we ended up with over 100 fleece scarves.
Today I have to deliver Meals on Wheels at noon, and then I have to get Emily's package ready to put in the mail. I'm tying not to be late for that, like I was for Will. Somedays I'm hopeless!!
Must get dressed or I won't make Meals on Wheels on time either.
Have prayers requests for cousin Ginny Martinson who has Breast Cancer and having surgery next week, and also a friend from the college who is having a complete hysterectomy as I write for cancer as well. Love and prayers, m

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