Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Sun IS Shining Today!!

It may be cold out there, but it's warm in here....and the sun makes me feel so much better! It did finally come out yesterday, but not until after my shower and on my way to the retiree's lunch. Was a nice lunch, but hate sitting at one end of a long table and only getting to talk to about half the people. I did get up and move at the end of lunch to talk to a few people at the other end of the table.
On my way to lunch a engine light came on (well I didn't know it was the engine light, but I called Jimbo and asked him what the yellow light that looked like a movie camera was) and so on my way home, I stopped at Doug's office (in the Northdale shopping center) but he wasn't there. Matthew had Pink Eye and they wouldn't let him in school even though they had put the drops in. I called him at home, and he and Matthew came over and put some oil in for me, and said he'd be back this morning with more. Then Jimbo said he would take my car in on Friday and get the oil changed and put on a new set of tires for me. If it's not one thing it's another. I haven't had any surprise expenses for a couple of months.
No plans for the day, I did the laundry yesterday, and do have one load of towels to fold, but that's about it. I'm sure if I look around I can find a project in seconds. So many to choose from!
I put out the word for Christmas Wish lists from the kids and grandkids, and even got one response back....now only 17 to go. But that one asked me what I wanted....and I could only come up with one thing on the spot....so I better do some thinking and get my list in order too! They did such a great job on the pictures for the cabin last year, I don't think I can top that!
Tomorrow cousin Ginny has her surgery for breast cancer, so please remember her in your prayers. Love and prayers, m

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