I love it!! I stayed in bed till about 8:30 this morning, but really had a good night sleep...I think I only got up once to go the bathroom....well twice if you count 7 a.m. this morning.
Yesterday I did what I said I was going to do....basically nothing. Didn't even get dressed. I did comb my hair....but I didn't leave the house. I spent a lot of time on the computer. Somehow the screen for the Burgenland Bunch (descendants of the Burgenland area of Austria) popped up in facebook, and I realized that some people had responded to my status I entered two years ago, and one of the women that did was online in the sight at the same time. She and her third cousin both have great grandfathers that were brothers and came to Winsted, MN from Deutchgerisdorf, like grandma's parents did. We have some relatives in common...so we are related somehow. One had a grandfather from Gerisdorf and a grandmother from Lockenhaus, and got married there. My grandfather was born there and lived there till about six or seven before coming to Winsted, MN. I looked up some pictures of that area from my trip I took with Kathleen and Gary in 2008. That took a while.
So that kept me busy, then I got an message on facebook from a women (Renee McLean Turnberg) I graduated from St. Margarets with that is living in California, and is hoping to help organize the 50th class reunion we will have next year (same as my wedding anniversary). So looked up some emails for her....only to find she was sending them on to BSM person I already sent them to....but atleast I have another contact from the past. I wouldn't mind working on the reunion again, but do not want to be in charge of it.
So that pretty much took up the afternoon and early evening. I did email Judy and we are going to meet face to face this afternoon after I finish delivering Meals on Wheels. She is leaving for California where her daughter lives, and spending Thanksgiving with her.
Other than that I'll come home and do pretty much the same as yesterday. Till tomorrow, ....oh today is Ginny's surgery....say some prayers for her. Love and prayers, m
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