Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snow Again?

Two weeks in a row? It was so beautiful the last two days I can't believe they are predicting snow again tonight.
As I warned you on Thanksgiving, yesterday I shopped until I dropped!!! I wonder why they call it Black Friday? I think it should be called Green Friday. Green for Go!!! and Green for money!! What's black for? Stop? Well any way I didn't stop, I shopped from 6 a.m. till about 3 or so with Annie and niece Carrie.(Annie went shopping a Midnight for a few hours, then went home and slept for a couple hours and then took her old mom and pregnant cousin shopping) Annie had to be back for a Hockey tournament the girls are in, and Carrie and Jason had a dinner date. So I then returned to shopping, but was actually home by 4:30, and then went to work at ordering some things online that I couldn't find in the stores, but I still have lots to do. I may go out again today, but I also have to get a few groceries....not many, but I'm totally out of bread, so I'll run quickly through Cub.
Don't have a lot more to report, I'm still fighting this sinus thing, and the weather doesn't help that at all. My feet were killing me when I got home yesterday, but they have bounced back this I can go out again today.
I couldn't believe how quiet Target and Kohls were at 6 a.m., I missed the hustle and bustle of the 6 a.m. opening, however, I found that even though the Mall of American opened at Midnight too, it was just as crowded as usual there, except for the line at lunch....walked up at 11 a.m. and got a table nice!!!
All and all it was a successful day! Hope your's was too! Love and prayers, m

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