Saturday, November 19, 2011

Waiting for the Snow

Dull, Gray, and humid.....snow on the way, and I woke up with a sinus headache. Ever since I got back from Georgia, I've been battling this silly cough and sinus thing that hasn't ever become full bloom, but just enough to annoy me. I know having the furnace running a lot more doesn't help either. I'm taking my allergy pills, mucinex, and flounase every now and then a couple of nights I've taken a decongestant. But not all at once...I've just kind of rotate trying to find something that will end this. Now I've added cough drops to the mix. They seem to make me feel better for a few minutes. My morning hot coffee seems to help too!
Yesterday Jimbo had my van, and left his truck so I opted to wait for him to return til I went shopping for my thanksgiving turkey. While I was waiting Karen, Emily, Kennedy and Presley showed up around 1 p.m. or so. What a wonderful surprise. Presley was so antsie after sitting in the car for hours that she just could sit still. Kennedy was just the opposite and looked like she needed a nap. Karen and Em were the only two looking fresh!! They only stayed a while and went on to surprise somemore of the Coon Rapids crew. Especially Emily!! She had told her cousins she couldn't come, and they were on their way to Nicole and Allies' hockey practice to surprise them.
The whole family gathered at the rink to watch Kennedy play last night. The rest of the grandkids huddled together in the bleachers talking and giggling and hugging. It is so fun to see them all together (well, most of them together....Jack's in college and Kennedy on the ice.) Kennedy unfortunately lost the first game, but it didn't seem to bother her. She was in with the gang smiling and talking with her cousins.
Today she plays again at 1 p.m. and I'll be there watching her, but the Stalboergers and probably Emily will be in Champlin watching the High School teams. Allie and Nicole play at 1 as well....and Varsity plays at 3 p.m. I figure this will be my only chance to watch Kennedy, so this is her weekend.
Don't know what this afternoon and evening will bring, but hoping we can do something all together, or part of us together. Jimbo and Nick left early this morning to drive to Naperville and watch Will's hockey game at 1 p.m. there, and then to see a Bear's game tomorrow. Tom was hoping to get tickets for him and Will, so that they could join Jimbo and Nick.
Nothing new to report on my prayers list. Even though I don't talk about it much, my butt still bothers me, and I could use some butt prayers. Love and prayers, m

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