Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Sun is Here to Greet Me!

Love to see the sun. Yesterday I did run up to the cabin and as I drove some where near Maple Lake, the sun gave me a small glimpse, and I smiled all the rest of the way to the lake. I don't know how long it didn't matter it just made my day. I was able to resurrect an old tree laying in my patio at home and think it looks pretty good where it is.

I did make it back in time to eat some dinner and head out to the CRHS Hockey games. The JV won and Allie got one of the goals. Varsity didn't fare as well. Matt and Carol were also there, so got a chance to visit with Carol.

Yesterday I finished my last of a 14 day dose of antibiotics for my butt, and I'm still not pain free in that area, so I contacted Sheila Judd, a friend and former ARCC employee. Sheila was in charge of some of the non-traditional health and healing programs, and left to work with Chun Yi Lin and became a Master of Qigong. She used to work on me fairly regularly and even came to the hospital when I had a couple of my surgeries, but haven't had any Qigong in over a year. I decided it was time, and she has been able to work me into her schedule twice before I go to have my CT scan. So hoping for a lot of good energy.

Got to get busy today....a little shopping at Costco, cleaning, cooking and then tomorrow I'll only have the turkey, potatoes and dressing to worry about. I'll be ready for Thanksgiving, and of course Black Friday!!!

Love and prayers, m

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