but I hit the ground running. I had to rush home and pass out candy...I did leave Wally and Marianne some to hand out for me in my absence, but as soon as I got home I turned on the front light, and the door bell was ringing. I did get to see a few little kids, but it seemed the older ones were mostly left.
While answering the door, I got my suitcase unpacked and made myself some dinner....pretzels and tomato juice just wasn't enough.
I checked out the decon I left in three different places and all of it was gone...I must have had an army of mice here. I'll have to talk to Doug and see how many we trapped too!
It was nice sleeping in my own bed, but I was really tired so sleep came fast. I had to get up and start moving again this morning, as I have the women in the card club coming to my house this evening. I did have most of the cleaning done ahead of time, but today I have to work on the food....which means I have to go to the grocery store, and that means I have to get dressed.
Yesterday, I said goodbye to Judy around 8 a.m. as she left for the airport in hopes of getting on a flight at 10:30 a.m., but she called a little after 12:30 p.m. and she was finally boarding for home. Kathleen and Gary picked me up at about 10:15 and we headed to a Nature Presserve and took a walk before going to lunch. Sorry to say even though Gary had Yelped it on his iphone it was probably the worst meal we had on the whole trip. After that we played some Cut Throat and Gary won the first 3 games and I eeked out a win over Kathleen by one point in the fourth. We then headed for the airport, where I had to say goodbye to them as I was flying out of Delta and they were flying out of Frontier....opposite ends of the terminal. Hated to say goodbye, and can't wait to see them again, soon I hope!!!
Thank You Kathleen, Gary, Judy, Joe and Sandi for making this a great trip. I got on the scale and only gained one pound....or basically stayed the same. Not bad for all that great food. Love and prayers, m
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