Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Sunny Day

Unfortunately it is only 17 degrees out there. But I have to go out anyway! Got Kathleen and Gary's package wrapped and got to get it to the PO today. Have to deliver some packages to church and pick up a few things at the grocery store. Then at 3:30 Qigong and then hockey. So it will be a busy day.
Yesterday I got a lot of things done, but you can hardly tell. Got 3 loads of wash done....but it took a while, cause when I went down to take the second load out of the washer and put it in the dryer, I realized I never turned on the dryer for the first I had to wait for that first load to dry before I could add the second and put the third load into the washer.
Had a good night of sleep, however I didn't fall asleep till sometime after 2 p.m. I tried a few things, and finally got up and took a hot bath, and that seemed to do the trick.....By the way Kathleen, Dr. Oz is wrong!!
Well lots to do, so talk to you tomorrow. Love and prayers, m

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