Jack, my oldest grandson turns 19 today. Wow how the time flys. I can remember the whole family gathered at the hospital waiting for his arrival. So exciting! The picture I'm including is of Jack the oldest grandson, and Matthew the youngest grandson wishing on the Thanksgiving Turkey wishbone. I'm sure you can guess, Matthew won! Hope you have a great Sunny day Jack, love ya lots!
Another Sunny cold day out there, I think the temperature is 17 right now. That's freezing!! Brrrrrr! It's cozy here in the house in my comfy chair! It may take me awhile to get out of this comfy chair and do some more shopping and running of errands.
Yesterday, I did get out and do some shopping before going to the movie with Bonnie and Lois.
The movie was very good, and of course George was fantastic, and there was hardly a scene without him in it...lots of George viewing! The scenary of Hawaii was great too! Thought about my nephew Nate and my cousin Elaine who get to live there all the time. How lucky!
After the movie we went to dinner and spent a few hours visiting. I hadn't seen Bonnie since last month, so it's always nice to get caught up with her. I get to see Lois a little more often, but not always where we can really visit.
Watch the CMA Country Christmas last night. Loved all the great Christmas music, and like the night before really puts me in the mood. I may have to find the all Christmas Music channel on my radio.
Been working on a few craft projects, which are coming along, and wrapping the things I got for the children on the trees at church that I bought for....and the gifts for card club, cause that is next Tuesday already. Whew!!! it all comes so fast.
Better start moving, got a message from Ginny (my cousin) and she is doing good, however will need further treatment, chemo and/or radiation, she won't find out till just before Christmas, we're all hoping and praying she gets a good report!
I'm doing well too, I've slept pretty well both nights since my qigong session. I'm looking forward to another next week. Well I'm off, love and prayers, m
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