Friday, December 16, 2011

It's a Sunny Morning!

After a couple of cold damp and gloomy days, the sun is finally shining. It may give me some energy to get something done.
Yesterday, I did get showered and dressed, and went to lunch with Laurie Lopez and Sarah Deering who both work at the college. Went to Acapulco, which I have a diner's club card for, but wouldn't you know, I couldn't find it till I got home. I think I looked at it twice while going through my billfold, and didn't recognize what it was. So dumb!! Oh well, I can use it once a month, and I'm sure I'll be back there a few more times in the next year.
After lunch I did some shopping and got a lot accomplished.
I came home and waited to see if Jimbo and Ann were going to go to a open house at our financial advisers, but Jimbo got back from Eau Claire late and by then I wasn't too interested in going out in the wind. The wind was blowing so hard when I was out for lunch it nearly blew me away...and it had gotten worse as the day went on.
I didn't get much done the rest of the evening, but did start to plan and notify former employees of the college who worked in the CDC/TDC/PTC building on the Hill or whatever they called it when you worked there. So sent out a message on Facebook for all those I am friends with, and then a separate email for those not on facebook, but I'm still missing a few emails. It was fun getting back a few responses already.
Today I need to get busy and do some cleaning, and maybe some wrapping. Then this afternoon I'm going to Rosie's (my former boss and dear friend) for dinner. I'm sure there will be lots of good conversation, much laughter and really good food.
I've contacted my friend Sheila about continuing Qigong, and I'm feeling okay about this next round of chemo. I even got a note from one of the TDC instructors who will be having radiation at HHH the same time I am there having chemo, so she will stop in and visit. She has just completed 5 months of chemo, and in January will start 6 weeks of radiation. Although Judy has already promised to come and play cards with me it's always nice to see a smiling face who's come to visit. Last year when Imelda Neis was having treatments at HHH, we got to visit a few times too. Not the best place to get to see old friends, but at the time it is uplifting.
Well off to cleaning or whatever, Love and Prayers, m

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