It just doesn't feel like it. The stockings all hung by the chimney with hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there? Ain't got that either. No snow.....The Son is Shining and so is the sun. I still have six sleeps!! lots of packages to wrap, but guess what? I'm finished shopping!
With any luck my family will gather next Thursday evening as the Chicago Kiecker's arrive in town, and then Friday we'll have Christmas with gift opening and Santa, and then Saturday morning we head to the cabin and do our progressive dinner which has turned into a non-progressive this year, but each family taking part with their course of the 4 course meal. (Appetizers, Soup and Salad, Main course, and dessert.)
We'll string popcorn and cranberries for the tree on the deck, and we'll play games, maybe some bunko and cheer in the New Year....but won't be rolling in the snow, or even running in it barefoot as in years past, cause right now we don't have any.
Yesterday I finished that shopping, and also went to the JV Hockey game....couldn't stand sitting all the way through the varsity game, so came home and took a pain reliever and waited for it to take hold, and then set in to wrap a few more gifts. I figure if I wrap a few each day, I'll be done before my Christmas on Friday.
This morning I may make some candy, and then early this afternoon will head over to church for the Children's Pageant that starts at 3:20, so I figure I better be there 1/2 hour before it starts. At 4 p.m. the Mass starts, and then on to Annie's for dinner, and Matthew gets to open presents. He doesn't care about anyone else that's all he's waiting for. I think Nicole and Allie get some too! I don't think he'll even eat his dinner. He's pretty excited about that.
Tomorrow I will go to Gene's niece Lynn's, and celebrate with the Kiecker's. Hope you have a great weekend planned, and that you have a Merry Christmas!!! Love and prayers, m
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