Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas is coming!

My tree is up and decorated, except for the tinsel. That's a job I'll start later in the week. No time to write this morning, got to leave for church in 10 minutes, so I'll write when I get home...don't want any of you worrying about me today. m
I"m back! Got to church, and am ready for a nap. I didn't sleep well again last night....I'm beginning to think it is knowing I have to get up at 7 a.m. that is the problem....cause I sleep pretty well when I don't have to get up early.
Yesterday went well, exactly at 9 a.m. Annie, Doug and the family arrived and went right to work, by the time they left at 11 a.m. then had put up the tree, and completely decorate it, and I baked a couple dozen cookies and made hot chocolate for everyone.
Matthew found the pickle hidden on the tree, and grabbed his candy cane happily till he unwrapped it and found out it was peppermint. I told him all candy canes were peppermint, and he told me at daycare they have different watermelon! I told him they couldn't be candy canes, but he was pretty sure they were. What is this world coming to?
After they left I made a batch of candy made from club crackers and almonds, along with some butter and sugar! Now only have a few more things to make....I'm almost done.
Around 3 p.m. Ann, Jack and Nick arrived and they found the tree top angel and skirt for the tree, and set up my Nativity scene and finished putting out the decorations for the upstairs. I decided we didn't need to decorate downstairs, cause I don't plan on entertaining down there this year. I couldn't not put up the Nativity scene, as I've had it since our very fist Christmas....that and four glass balls that have survived all 49 years.
I haven't put the tinsel on yet, but will start that maybe Wednesday. I leave for Rochester tomorrow, and have my scan on Tuesday, along with the Women's club Christmas party on Tuesday evening. So I don't think I'll have time till Wednesday to sit quietly and put strands of tinsel on. I thought about not doing that either, but I don't think it would be my Christmas tree without it. I carefully put it on and take it off each year, saving it from year to year, as you haven't been able to buy lead tinsel since the seventies.
I've also put off writing my Christmas letter and sending out cards. I want to wait till after the scan on Tuesday. Kind of a superstition I guess....don't want to write anything positive or negative till I know what the doctor has to say. Please pray that it's positive news.
Well better get that short nap before the Vikings start. Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. I have one lone christmas ball from the first Christmas. Don't remember who we got the balls from either Frank's parents or mine but we put glue on them and rolled them in green and red glitter. We lost most of them when one of our trees took a tumble because of the love it was given.
