Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Brown and Bright!

NOT clean and white!! and it doesn't look like it's going to change in the near future. If you want a white Christmas you have to go South! Really?! How strange is that! I'd really prefer Snow for Christmas, but I'm not in control of that. I do like the sun shining as you know by now.
Yesterday was a good day! I spent the whole afternoon at church helping to give out the Christmas baskets. I use that term lightly, as their were bags of gifts and blankets and boxes of food and gift cards to cub for the Ham or Turkey and tables of free stuff you could pick and choose from as well and Santa for any kids that showed up with their parents. I've never been there for that part of the process. It was so rewarding. Everyone was so grateful. One lady came back with her son once she saw we had Santa there. Didn't get home till nearly 5 p.m. but I stopped and picked up Lee Ann Chin to go, on the way. Got lots of visiting in during the down times, and lots of prayers promised for me to boot.
Last night I finally started the serious wrapping process. I set up a card table in the middle of the living room right in front of the Christmas tree and TV, so I can see both. I pretty much finished wrapping Tom's families packages, and his is the largest, so I'm 25% of the way done. Whoppee. Wrapping is one of my least favorite things to do.
Today I will be out shopping again this morning, and later this afternoon, Bonnie and I will go to Lois's home to watch a movie. (The three of us all started at the college around the same time, and became good friends and have traveled together for several years.) I bought some CD's at Target on Black Friday, and Lois doesn't have a car today, so we are going to her house to watch it. I think we will watch "Eat, Love and Pray". Then I'll come home and wrap some more. I have no choice if I want to get this job done.
Not taking my daily Imodium has helped the constipation problem, and it didn't tip the balance to the other extreme, thank goodness. Must get busy, love and prayers to all of you! m

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