Monday, December 5, 2011

Eve of St. Nick!

Have you been good? Once when I was little, the bag of goodies at our door was potatoes and onions,(had coal been available it would have been that) instead of Fruit, nuts and hard candy. Kind of the reminder that it is Advent, and we are to remember the coming of the watchful...of he who is to come. Now Santa is forefront in our minds. Santa has evolved from St. Nicholas who was a Bishop whose family left him a lot of money, and he chose to do good deeds with it. One of which was throwing a bag of gold coins into a house of a poor man with three daughters, and he was contemplating sending them into prostitution as he couldn't afford a dowry for them. Thus St. Nick saved them from this fate. Our family has continued this tradition of our childhood, and St. Nick even sends packages through the mail and I have my children delivering the candy, fruit and nuts to their children, including a bag of gold foil covered hope this saves all my grandchildren too. Be watchful tonight!!
This is the poem:
Spirit of Christmas
by Edward Hays
St. Nicholas, holy patron of children
Saintly and generous bishop.
Inspire us to give gifts
Of ourselves and our time.
Give us your blessing
So that we might fill with sincerity
Each greeting we speak and send.
Smiling saint of sweets and toys,
Help us stay youthful and mirthful,
Playful and joyful so that we can celebrate
Every day as Christmas.
Patron Saint of generosity,
Arouse us to an evergreen extravagance
In loving and in giving gifts
To those we love and to the poor.
Patron of the un-thanked,
Who always slips away
Before you can be thanked,
Incite us to be like you.

Yesterday I thought the Vikes played at 3 p.m. (I guess there was a change in the schedule) and when I turned on the TV there was only 3 minutes left to play. I guess I should have turned it off immediately, cause in that 3 minutes they went from winning to loosing. My fantasy football is looking like that too. I do have 2 players yet to play this evening, but I don't know if either of them can score enough to bring me a win.
I worked on doing some crafts and putting out some Christmas decorations.....not many but the bathroom is done.
Today I am going out to the airport at noon to pick up my cousin Judy, so she doesn't have to wait for her son Mike to get off of work. She has a meeting in Shakopee that she wants to make also. She'll be late, but her report is going to be last on the agenda.
Had a similar night last night as the one before. I finally fell asleep at about 4 a.m.....and then woke up again at 6 to go to the bathroom and then fell back asleep till 8:15. I can't even consider the time I was not sleeping as resting, cause I was tossing and turning trying to find a position that didn't make my back and legs ache. Say some prayers that I sleep tonight. Thoughts and prayers for you, m

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