Saturday, December 3, 2011

No Sun.....Watch Out Snow is On It's Way!

I'm hoping they are right and we in the North West of the Twin Cities won't get much and with any luck I won't have to drive to anywhere that does in the near future.
I didn't get dressed or leave the house yesterday, but I really got a lot of things done. I wrapped some things and am ready for the week of gift giving. I made some things, I cleaned some, and really feel good about what I accomplished.
Today I will go out....I have to buy some groceries....and deliver a package to Jim and Ann's....and maybe do a little Christmas shopping.
Been feeling a little better each day since I saw Sheila, been doing my exercises she gave me to do, and drinking lots of water. Nothing else new to report.
I forwarded a message from cousin Ginny the other day and a few people thought it was about me, I'll be more careful when I forward messages about doctors reports in the future and tell people at the top who it is from.
Okay, I won't bore you with anymore dribble. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m

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