Friday, December 9, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine

Not as cold as yesterday and the Sun is shining brightly. I can't ask for more than that!
I got some more shopping done yesterday, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Asked for suggestions for restaurant gift cards for the grandkids and all responded quickly, so that will be easy. Went to the grocery store to buy a few things to make more treats. I may let the kids help tomorrow, if we get the tree up and decorated quickly. Don't think I'll bring out much more decorations than for the tree and upstairs. Not having Christmas here, so I don't have to worry about the basement this year....but may bring some of my snowmen to the cabin for our non progressive.
I also went and had Sheila do some more Qigong on me. It is already working, an slept so well last night. Even fell a sleep on the couch for an hour and a half before hitting the bed. My back and tail bone feel better too! I promised her I'd let her know how the Scan goes next week, and she will do some more work on me if need be. Thank you, Thank you, thank you.
After all that, I went to the CRHS Hockey games. JV won, and the Varsity almost won....had tied it up 3-3 and then with just a few minutes left to play and CR had pulled the goalie, Anoka scored!! It was a good game.
Today I'll clean house and get ready for the tree raising tomorrow, and then I'm going out to Judy's for dinner and her granddaughters Christmas program. Should be a fun evening.
Hoping to have several elves tomorrow to help me decorate, many hands make light work. I'm going to bake some cookies and make some other goodies to go along with their hot chocolate. Love and prayers, m

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