Wow....I slept so much better last night, and didn't get up till nearly 9 a.m....the best part was waking up to the sunshine. It's darn cold out there, but I don't have to go out till later in the day.
Yesterday I actually took down my Halloween decorations to get ready for Saturday's tree raising and decorating. I've invited all the kids to come and help. Those artificial trees are heavy and hard to put up for an old lady by herself. I'm enticing them with cookies and hot chocolate.
I went to the airport to pick up Judy, and only had to circle once to find her. She wanted to make a Senior Group meeting that started at 1 p.m.....She didn't land till 12:18 and believe it or not, we arrived at the meeting at 1:04 p.m. How good is that?!
After the meeting I took Judy home to drop off her suitcases and figure out where to go for dinner. We decided on a Diner's Club deal at the Arizona Grill by Canterbury, but it was only 4 p.m. and we were the only ones in the place....until we left at 5. Really quiet, but the meal was good. After that I took Judy home, and I started out to fight the crowded highway all the way home. Don't think I got to drive the speed limit from Hopkins all the way home....cept on Foley Blvd the last mile. Uggghhh!
Don't have plans today till this evening, when I get to celebrate Christmas with the card club. So the season officially begins!
As I mentioned earlier I slept well last night, and my butt seems to be a little better. The Qigong must be working.....along with your prayers. I also had a big surprise last FF team beat the highest team in my division. I wasn't even paying any attention to my team points last night as I didn't think I had a chance to beat Nicole....but some how, my 2 running backs managed to score enough points to put me ahead by 4 points! I'm only third place in my division, but I've earlier this fall tied with the number one (Nick) in the other division too. So even though I'm not winning all the time, it's fun to beat the big ones!!
Well off to start another craft project. Love and prayers, m
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