Monday, December 12, 2011

Rain or Snow?

I guess the rain won out. The temps must have warmed up over night, cause the snow or freezing drizzle didn't happen. So pray the road stay safe for my trip to Rochester later this afternoon.
Yesterday, I did very little. I did take a nap and watched most of the Viking game....don't know why I bother, but they do make it exciting. I also putzed on some cute christmas snacks, and started filling the bags I give all the grandkids. I also fixed myself a small pot roast, with lots of carrots, onions and celery. Wow did it taste great. So even though I didn't go shopping I did get a few things done. Oh, I also packed for today, and speaking of that, I'm not taking my computer along. I have my blackberry, and will check it, and when I get to the clinic tomorrow, they have computers available so I can blog there. That means I won't do that till 11 a.m. or so.
Today I have a luncheon date with the retiree's from ARCC, then I have a hair appointment at 2 p.m., and then I'm off to pick up Judy and dinner and head for Rochester.
So that's all I have for today, look for me to write later tomorrow and I'll even later update the blog with the results of my CT scan. I'll need lots of prayers! and don't forget all the others I've asked for prayers too! Love and prayers, m

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