That's what the weather report says....but nothing stuck yesterday and it hasn't snowed yet today. The sidewalks and grass look dry. Nothing like MN I saw on the weather report this morning. Looks like Duluth is really getting a blizzard. Hope you in the Twin Cities faired okay.
Yesterday, I spent a good part of the day watching "Dr. Zihvago" so that I could go along to the book club this evening with Kathleen and Gary and atleast have some idea of what they were talking about. But got interupted by a visit from Gary's son Christopher, so I'll watch the rest of it this morning....couldn't be more than 20 minutes or so.
When Christopher came, we immediately went to playing games. I spent a week with Christopher at Blairs wedding in Portland last August, so we knew each other liked to play games. I suggested I teach him how to play Onset, the game I gave Gary and Kathleen for Christmas, and had had some luck at winning since I got here. Christopher took the bait, and I beat him 3 out of 3 straight. That was enough of that for Christopher, and Gary was now fixing dinner and we had to chop carrots for him for a salad he was making. Then with not much time left before dinner Christopher suggested he teach me how to play another board game....but we only got about 5 minutes into it, when it was time to set the table for dinner.
Gary had made a huge pork roast that he had in a very slow oven for about 8 hours or so. He had basted or poured a thick marinade over the top of it and used the drippings to make more so he could pour it over the top of the sliced meat for serving. He also made palenta and that carrot salad. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back home and have to cook for myself....I sure can't compete with the super meals that Gary makes. I'm jealous that Kathleen gets to have him cook for her every day.
After dinner the four of us proceeded to play Kingsburg again, and for some reason Kathleen won again....much to Gary's amazement. I'm guessing we will keep playing that till he beats Kathleen, as on Sunday when he won, Kathleen wasn't playing she was the ficilitator.
Christopher went home after that, and we watched the end of the Biggest Loser and Parenthood, two shows I like every week. Kathleen and I worked at finding a cheap rate for our room at the Flamingo in Vegas in July, and finally booked one at the best price we had seen all week. So now we have a room, I just have to find a cheap flight....but I'm going to wait on that for a while. Right now I'm looking for a cheap flight to Boston for the wedding I'm going to in May.
I got word already this morning that Lori Haugen's surgery went well, and that they found no sign of cancer thanks for the prayers....they are working...and thank God for that! So for now, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Snowing Here!
It's changed from rain to furious foggy looking precipitation to a pretty constant snow fall here. It's even sticking to the ground on the grass...on the street it looks like it is melting.
Had a good nights sleep, only got up to the bathroom once and woke a few other times, but just turned over and went back to sleep. 7:15 Mountain time or whatever timezone this when I wake up each morning, or when I tend to get out of bed. I kinda wait till I hear Kathleen has the coffee ready, but usually by the time I do my qiqong exercises and take my pills and make the bed it's ready.
Yesterday, I did some reading and playing cribbage with Gary in the morning (of course he won) then after lunch I put my tennis shoes on and my new ipod, and Gary took me for his 1 hour hike about 3 miles in total. It's about 1 1/2 miles up the canyon out his back door and then down hill all the way back. Really not an extreme incline at any one spot but uphill. By the time we had maybe a half mile in, I asked how long we had been gone, and he said maybe 15 minutes....and I thought in my head...this feels like at least 1/2 hour...he kept encouraging me all along the way, and stopping and pointing out things to see and where he had seen fox and moose and different birds. (It so reminded me of the hikes we took when the kids were little, and Gene would keep encouraging Jimbo to keep walking so he wouldn't have to carry him.) He kept promising that there was a bench to sit on up ahead around the next corner....then the next etc. till we finally found it. Then he pointed out a red stop sign up ahead which was the top of the incline and that from that point on we would be going down hill, all the way to their condo building. We stopped and looked at houses pointing out the ones that he and Kathleen liked and had thought of buying over the years and houses that friends or business associates lived in and finally I made it back to the condo, nearly 2 hours later. My shins felt like I had shinsplints from the down hill, and my hips and butt ached from the uphill. Now this morning, my butt and hips felt like I was 100 years old...but as the morning has progressed, they are loosening up a bit and don't ache much. Anyway, I'm pleased for the snow, as I won't be walking again today...but I will go out again...I'm sure the next time will take a lot less time and I'll be handling it a lot better. Got to get into shape for some hikes in Sedona next week.
After our hike, we went back to playing "Onset" the marble game that I gave them for Christmas, and so far the only game that I have been able to beat him in....not consistently, but a few times at least. Then Kathleen came home from work and Gary proceeded to make us a wonderful meal, with squash and some leftover's from Saturday night. The acorn squash, he adorned with walnut oil, brown sugar, and butter before putting in the oven and we all were scrapping the bottom of the pan to get all the juices and caramelizing from it. They were fantastic.
After dinner we had thought of going to see Hugo, but it started playing at 6:30 and it was already 6:15, so that was out and the short documentary's were not showing till 9:30 and we didn't think we wanted to stay up that late, so we are hoping to go see something tonight instead....but so far we can't find Hugo playing anywhere. So anyway we decided to play the game we played on Sunday with their friends, and that was fun, and Kathleen won....not Gary!
To his defense, he only lost by one point!!
I got a very nice note from my cousins Ginny thanking all of you for your prayers, and so happy to be done with radiation. She is now a certified survivor!! Thank you all for your prayers for her and for me and all I keep requesting you pray for. Tomorrow is Lori Haugen's (Ann Kiecker's sister) surgery, so please remember to keep her and her family in your prayers.
Love and prayers, m
Had a good nights sleep, only got up to the bathroom once and woke a few other times, but just turned over and went back to sleep. 7:15 Mountain time or whatever timezone this when I wake up each morning, or when I tend to get out of bed. I kinda wait till I hear Kathleen has the coffee ready, but usually by the time I do my qiqong exercises and take my pills and make the bed it's ready.
Yesterday, I did some reading and playing cribbage with Gary in the morning (of course he won) then after lunch I put my tennis shoes on and my new ipod, and Gary took me for his 1 hour hike about 3 miles in total. It's about 1 1/2 miles up the canyon out his back door and then down hill all the way back. Really not an extreme incline at any one spot but uphill. By the time we had maybe a half mile in, I asked how long we had been gone, and he said maybe 15 minutes....and I thought in my head...this feels like at least 1/2 hour...he kept encouraging me all along the way, and stopping and pointing out things to see and where he had seen fox and moose and different birds. (It so reminded me of the hikes we took when the kids were little, and Gene would keep encouraging Jimbo to keep walking so he wouldn't have to carry him.) He kept promising that there was a bench to sit on up ahead around the next corner....then the next etc. till we finally found it. Then he pointed out a red stop sign up ahead which was the top of the incline and that from that point on we would be going down hill, all the way to their condo building. We stopped and looked at houses pointing out the ones that he and Kathleen liked and had thought of buying over the years and houses that friends or business associates lived in and finally I made it back to the condo, nearly 2 hours later. My shins felt like I had shinsplints from the down hill, and my hips and butt ached from the uphill. Now this morning, my butt and hips felt like I was 100 years old...but as the morning has progressed, they are loosening up a bit and don't ache much. Anyway, I'm pleased for the snow, as I won't be walking again today...but I will go out again...I'm sure the next time will take a lot less time and I'll be handling it a lot better. Got to get into shape for some hikes in Sedona next week.
After our hike, we went back to playing "Onset" the marble game that I gave them for Christmas, and so far the only game that I have been able to beat him in....not consistently, but a few times at least. Then Kathleen came home from work and Gary proceeded to make us a wonderful meal, with squash and some leftover's from Saturday night. The acorn squash, he adorned with walnut oil, brown sugar, and butter before putting in the oven and we all were scrapping the bottom of the pan to get all the juices and caramelizing from it. They were fantastic.
After dinner we had thought of going to see Hugo, but it started playing at 6:30 and it was already 6:15, so that was out and the short documentary's were not showing till 9:30 and we didn't think we wanted to stay up that late, so we are hoping to go see something tonight instead....but so far we can't find Hugo playing anywhere. So anyway we decided to play the game we played on Sunday with their friends, and that was fun, and Kathleen won....not Gary!
To his defense, he only lost by one point!!
I got a very nice note from my cousins Ginny thanking all of you for your prayers, and so happy to be done with radiation. She is now a certified survivor!! Thank you all for your prayers for her and for me and all I keep requesting you pray for. Tomorrow is Lori Haugen's (Ann Kiecker's sister) surgery, so please remember to keep her and her family in your prayers.
Love and prayers, m
Monday, February 27, 2012
Looking for the Sun
Doesn't seem to be shining....I wonder why? Kathleen had to leave for work this morning, leaving me and Gary alone. Gary has work to do this morning, and expecting a client to meet with him, so I put off writing my blog till after Kathleen left.
Woke up often during the night....well atleast 3 times....more than I have since I got here...and when I woke up this morning, was a lot more aching than usual....I wonder if it's the weather? There was a commercial on TV this morning for Arthritis and it said that the best medicine was to maybe I need to do some exercises this morning.
Yesterday was a very nice day....the morning was very laid back and we played a game with another couple between 3-5 in the afternoon. Kathleen and Gary meet with them fairly regularly to play board games, and this week, Kathleen and Gary taught us a new game called Kingsbury. It's an elaborate board game with dice and markers and gold, stone and wood property pieces. It took us almost 2 hours to finish the game....with Kathleen leading us through and being the facilitator of it. Gary ended up winning however! He rarely loses! But it was fun all the same.
Then after dinner we watched the Academy Awards, and pretty much enjoyed the show, but weren't impressed with many of the dresses or the winners of some of the awards. I do think I'll have to see Hugo and The Artist, as I only had seen The Descendants, The Help and one other that I can't remember right this minute. Anyway I was pleased that The Help and The Descendants won an award even it it wasn't George who won.
Kathleen has to work till 5 p.m., so I may get some reading done, actually I started a book I downloaded to my Nook..."Unbroken" and am really enjoying it so far. Need to shower now and get dressed before Gary's client comes. Don't know what Kathleen has planned for us this evening, but I'm sure it will be fun or interesting.
My cousin Louie could use some prayers, cause this is the last week of his OT and PT and he is worried about that. Haven't heard any other updates but keep those prayers coming. Love and prayers, m
Woke up often during the night....well atleast 3 times....more than I have since I got here...and when I woke up this morning, was a lot more aching than usual....I wonder if it's the weather? There was a commercial on TV this morning for Arthritis and it said that the best medicine was to maybe I need to do some exercises this morning.
Yesterday was a very nice day....the morning was very laid back and we played a game with another couple between 3-5 in the afternoon. Kathleen and Gary meet with them fairly regularly to play board games, and this week, Kathleen and Gary taught us a new game called Kingsbury. It's an elaborate board game with dice and markers and gold, stone and wood property pieces. It took us almost 2 hours to finish the game....with Kathleen leading us through and being the facilitator of it. Gary ended up winning however! He rarely loses! But it was fun all the same.
Then after dinner we watched the Academy Awards, and pretty much enjoyed the show, but weren't impressed with many of the dresses or the winners of some of the awards. I do think I'll have to see Hugo and The Artist, as I only had seen The Descendants, The Help and one other that I can't remember right this minute. Anyway I was pleased that The Help and The Descendants won an award even it it wasn't George who won.
Kathleen has to work till 5 p.m., so I may get some reading done, actually I started a book I downloaded to my Nook..."Unbroken" and am really enjoying it so far. Need to shower now and get dressed before Gary's client comes. Don't know what Kathleen has planned for us this evening, but I'm sure it will be fun or interesting.
My cousin Louie could use some prayers, cause this is the last week of his OT and PT and he is worried about that. Haven't heard any other updates but keep those prayers coming. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A Little Grey Right Now
But I'm sure the sun will come out shortly.
Had a great day yesterday, We watched a PBS movie "South Riding"....well actually the last 2 segments...we had watched the first one the night before and couldn't wait to see what happened. Then Kathleen and I walked to the grocery store about two blocks away (they live right downtown in SLC so they can walk to most everything.
After that Gary started preparing for the cooking school he was presenting to 8 of us. Their party room has a small kitchen with a nice counter that we could stand in front of and watch as he walked us through how to use a pressure cooker and then proceeded to make 4 different dishes in a mater of a half hour we had two fantastic soups, and then two different main courses (one chicken and one beef based) and rosoto to boot. Kathleen had made a appetizer and a spinach and strawberry salad, and one of the other women brought some crackers and a Italian olive, eggplant, pepper spread as well. Then to top it all off we had brownies and gelato for dessert. What a great meal.
The other couples were also interested in the cooking and one even brought her own pressure cooker that she had only used once (like me) and we all left the evening sure we would be using our pressure cookers a lot more.
Not only was the food good, but the friends of Kathleen and Gary were so nice and we had great conversations about traveling etc. I felt right at home with them all.
Today we will have another couple over this afternoon to play board games, and then we will watch the Academy Awards. So it should be a another good day.
I'm feeling great, sleeping great, and I heard from cousin Ginny Martinson, that she will have her last radiation treatment for her breast cancer on Monday. She says she is doing well too.
So that's another big Thank You to God for prayers answered.
As for me and all the others on my list, we'll take all we can get. Love and prayers, m
Had a great day yesterday, We watched a PBS movie "South Riding"....well actually the last 2 segments...we had watched the first one the night before and couldn't wait to see what happened. Then Kathleen and I walked to the grocery store about two blocks away (they live right downtown in SLC so they can walk to most everything.
After that Gary started preparing for the cooking school he was presenting to 8 of us. Their party room has a small kitchen with a nice counter that we could stand in front of and watch as he walked us through how to use a pressure cooker and then proceeded to make 4 different dishes in a mater of a half hour we had two fantastic soups, and then two different main courses (one chicken and one beef based) and rosoto to boot. Kathleen had made a appetizer and a spinach and strawberry salad, and one of the other women brought some crackers and a Italian olive, eggplant, pepper spread as well. Then to top it all off we had brownies and gelato for dessert. What a great meal.
The other couples were also interested in the cooking and one even brought her own pressure cooker that she had only used once (like me) and we all left the evening sure we would be using our pressure cookers a lot more.
Not only was the food good, but the friends of Kathleen and Gary were so nice and we had great conversations about traveling etc. I felt right at home with them all.
Today we will have another couple over this afternoon to play board games, and then we will watch the Academy Awards. So it should be a another good day.
I'm feeling great, sleeping great, and I heard from cousin Ginny Martinson, that she will have her last radiation treatment for her breast cancer on Monday. She says she is doing well too.
So that's another big Thank You to God for prayers answered.
As for me and all the others on my list, we'll take all we can get. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunny and Brisk
The morning looks warm, but I don't think it is...although it's early and I haven't been out yet. I just appreciate waking to sunshine.
Yesterday was a fun day, although it didn't go as I wrote that is was going to go. Kathleen and I went out to do some shopping, and started at what they call the DI (Dessert Industries) a Morman good will store. We each purchased $19 worth of stuff. Which was actually about 6 items each. Most blouses and shirts were $2 or $3 and I bought a spring jacket for $6. Was fun. Then we proceeded to Costco and ate samples and bought all the stuff Gary needed from there for the cooking class this evening. From there the liquor store for wine and then grocery store for the rest of the stuff that Gary had on his list. So a good day of shopping.
We came home and made a late lunch and then played some cribbage till dinner was ready...another great meal by Gary. I however have lost every game of cards I've played with either Kathleen or Gary since I got here. (Judy, somebody beats me even if you don't!)
After dinner we went to a unusual performance at the University of Utah, called Dual Ality, and it was about how computers are changing our life. Different but interesting as well. We even had to wear 3-D glasses. From there we came home to play more cards and more losses for me. But I'm getting good at drawing strange the looser always has to draw a picture for the winner. Last night I had to draw a chipmunk parachuting and something else just as strange but I've already forgot.
Today will be a little more quiet, although Kathleen and I do have to go back to the store for a couple of things we forgot....and Gary will be preparing for our cooking class and the large group of guests he's invited.
I'm feeling great, sleeping well and love being here. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was a fun day, although it didn't go as I wrote that is was going to go. Kathleen and I went out to do some shopping, and started at what they call the DI (Dessert Industries) a Morman good will store. We each purchased $19 worth of stuff. Which was actually about 6 items each. Most blouses and shirts were $2 or $3 and I bought a spring jacket for $6. Was fun. Then we proceeded to Costco and ate samples and bought all the stuff Gary needed from there for the cooking class this evening. From there the liquor store for wine and then grocery store for the rest of the stuff that Gary had on his list. So a good day of shopping.
We came home and made a late lunch and then played some cribbage till dinner was ready...another great meal by Gary. I however have lost every game of cards I've played with either Kathleen or Gary since I got here. (Judy, somebody beats me even if you don't!)
After dinner we went to a unusual performance at the University of Utah, called Dual Ality, and it was about how computers are changing our life. Different but interesting as well. We even had to wear 3-D glasses. From there we came home to play more cards and more losses for me. But I'm getting good at drawing strange the looser always has to draw a picture for the winner. Last night I had to draw a chipmunk parachuting and something else just as strange but I've already forgot.
Today will be a little more quiet, although Kathleen and I do have to go back to the store for a couple of things we forgot....and Gary will be preparing for our cooking class and the large group of guests he's invited.
I'm feeling great, sleeping well and love being here. Love and prayers, m
Friday, February 24, 2012
Sunny and Bright Salt Lake City
Not necessarily warm here, but sunshine prevails! I have a view of the mountains from every window and I'm lovin it! Of course being with Kathleen and Gary only adds to the enjoyment.
I arrived a half an hour early, and Kathleen was there to pick me up and bring me home to their downtown condo, and Gary greeted us and he then proceeded to make us a great dinner of cauliflower soup....a recipe he hadn't made before, and it was wonderful. He's going to host a cooking school for about 6 quests tomorrow nite and teach us how to use a pressure cooker, which he uses daily. They have lots of fun things planned for while I'm here and I can't wait to meet a lot of their friends and see more of Salt Lake City, even though over the years I've been here to visit many times, mostly they were with the kids and we didn't do so much touring the area as visiting with Kathleen and family.
Yesterdays, schedule went off as planned Bill picked me up and got me to HHH in plenty of time to get unplugged and take off for the airport, I got to the airport at about 12:30, checked my bag and was through security by 1 p.m. and headed to pick up a sandwich and ate it just in time to board the plane at 1:40. Got to watch the inflight movie "Ides of March" another newer George Clooney (whom I love) and by the time it was over we were landing. So all went well!
Today we are going to Costco shopping this morning, and then to a new Museum that just opened a month ago in SLC...then dinner here and a theatrical performance about 7 p.m. so a full day of plans....I'm loving it! You know me, I don't sit still for long if I can help it.
Will be thinking about all of you and keeping up my prayers. Love and prayers, m
I arrived a half an hour early, and Kathleen was there to pick me up and bring me home to their downtown condo, and Gary greeted us and he then proceeded to make us a great dinner of cauliflower soup....a recipe he hadn't made before, and it was wonderful. He's going to host a cooking school for about 6 quests tomorrow nite and teach us how to use a pressure cooker, which he uses daily. They have lots of fun things planned for while I'm here and I can't wait to meet a lot of their friends and see more of Salt Lake City, even though over the years I've been here to visit many times, mostly they were with the kids and we didn't do so much touring the area as visiting with Kathleen and family.
Yesterdays, schedule went off as planned Bill picked me up and got me to HHH in plenty of time to get unplugged and take off for the airport, I got to the airport at about 12:30, checked my bag and was through security by 1 p.m. and headed to pick up a sandwich and ate it just in time to board the plane at 1:40. Got to watch the inflight movie "Ides of March" another newer George Clooney (whom I love) and by the time it was over we were landing. So all went well!
Today we are going to Costco shopping this morning, and then to a new Museum that just opened a month ago in SLC...then dinner here and a theatrical performance about 7 p.m. so a full day of plans....I'm loving it! You know me, I don't sit still for long if I can help it.
Will be thinking about all of you and keeping up my prayers. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 3 Round 4 - Unplugged
Time for me to fly! I'm all packed...printed my boarding pass...made arrangements to be picked up at 11:15 a.m. with my son Bill taking me to get unplugged and to the airport....and with Kathleen on the other end to pick me up in Salt Lake City.
I was able to get most of my drugs refilled, cept for one that they gave me the script so I can get it filled in SLC Walgreens when it comes closer to the date ready for some cash from a cash machine...etc.etc.
Yesterday was quite a crazy day. I left home a few minutes after 1 p.m. and stopped at Bill's to pick up a couple of John Denver CD's to put on my new Ipod, then headed to the bank to make a deposit and talk to them about the JCPenney double payment which caused a double overdraft fee at the bank, so after pleading my case, I did get half of it added back into my account. By this time it was 2 p.m. and I rushed across the street to HealthPartners to pick up my prescriptions I ordered online the night before, and neither of them had been filled, so I had to plead with them to get a vacation override but that was going to take time, and I didn't have any of that, cause I had to be in Robinsdale at HHH at 2:30, to give them a urine sample that they forgot to get the day before. So I told HP that I would be back to pick up the prescriptions after that. Well I then rushed to HHH, and was able to get there by 2:30, gave them a urine sample, and then went to their pharmacy to get two prescriptions refilled there. Well the vacation thing came into effect there too, so I ended up getting only one filled and the script to take to SLC with me. So now it was getting close to 3 p.m., and I rushed back to Coon Rapids HP and got my drugs there that they had now filled. It was now 3:20 and I needed to get something to eat, and go to the I went through the Drive thru at MacDonalds and stopped at home for the bathroom break...while leaving the car I needed to be at Sheila's for my Qigong at 3:45....well that didn't happen, but I was there by 3:55. Sheila visited with me for about 15 minutes to let me calm down and relax before starting the Qigong, and I felt really good by the time she was done. She gave me a few tips of what to do on the plane and throughout the keep me healthy and rid the chemo side effects from my system.
After Sheila's I got home a little after 5 p.m., loaded my John Denver CD's into my ipod, ate somemore of my leftover chow mein...packed a few extra items and headed off to church for Ash Wednesday. Stopped at a cash machine on my way back home...finished packing my backpack. I'm ready!
As for Ash Wednesday and being the start of my task of being an inspiration and contacting someone each day with a call or letter or card or maybe an email....I did manage to get a personal call in to Mary Scheiber, and do have an update on her....she is doing well, sounds great, has had one round of chemo (1 of 4 on a three week rotation) of her sisters is up from Wisconsin staying with her and was happy that I called. So it was good for both of us.
I also had a few other great phone calls yesterday morning....cousin Karen from Switzerland....cousin Janet from another planet...Aunt Loretta....and my sister last night. Actually I called Aunt Loretta, as she called and left me a message while I was talking to her daughter, Karen. Great minds think a like I guess! Well atleast they were both thinking about me at the same time. Loved all the good wishes for a good and safe trip with everyone I came in contact with all day. So thank you all, and Love and Prayers for you, m
I was able to get most of my drugs refilled, cept for one that they gave me the script so I can get it filled in SLC Walgreens when it comes closer to the date ready for some cash from a cash machine...etc.etc.
Yesterday was quite a crazy day. I left home a few minutes after 1 p.m. and stopped at Bill's to pick up a couple of John Denver CD's to put on my new Ipod, then headed to the bank to make a deposit and talk to them about the JCPenney double payment which caused a double overdraft fee at the bank, so after pleading my case, I did get half of it added back into my account. By this time it was 2 p.m. and I rushed across the street to HealthPartners to pick up my prescriptions I ordered online the night before, and neither of them had been filled, so I had to plead with them to get a vacation override but that was going to take time, and I didn't have any of that, cause I had to be in Robinsdale at HHH at 2:30, to give them a urine sample that they forgot to get the day before. So I told HP that I would be back to pick up the prescriptions after that. Well I then rushed to HHH, and was able to get there by 2:30, gave them a urine sample, and then went to their pharmacy to get two prescriptions refilled there. Well the vacation thing came into effect there too, so I ended up getting only one filled and the script to take to SLC with me. So now it was getting close to 3 p.m., and I rushed back to Coon Rapids HP and got my drugs there that they had now filled. It was now 3:20 and I needed to get something to eat, and go to the I went through the Drive thru at MacDonalds and stopped at home for the bathroom break...while leaving the car I needed to be at Sheila's for my Qigong at 3:45....well that didn't happen, but I was there by 3:55. Sheila visited with me for about 15 minutes to let me calm down and relax before starting the Qigong, and I felt really good by the time she was done. She gave me a few tips of what to do on the plane and throughout the keep me healthy and rid the chemo side effects from my system.
After Sheila's I got home a little after 5 p.m., loaded my John Denver CD's into my ipod, ate somemore of my leftover chow mein...packed a few extra items and headed off to church for Ash Wednesday. Stopped at a cash machine on my way back home...finished packing my backpack. I'm ready!
As for Ash Wednesday and being the start of my task of being an inspiration and contacting someone each day with a call or letter or card or maybe an email....I did manage to get a personal call in to Mary Scheiber, and do have an update on her....she is doing well, sounds great, has had one round of chemo (1 of 4 on a three week rotation) of her sisters is up from Wisconsin staying with her and was happy that I called. So it was good for both of us.
I also had a few other great phone calls yesterday morning....cousin Karen from Switzerland....cousin Janet from another planet...Aunt Loretta....and my sister last night. Actually I called Aunt Loretta, as she called and left me a message while I was talking to her daughter, Karen. Great minds think a like I guess! Well atleast they were both thinking about me at the same time. Loved all the good wishes for a good and safe trip with everyone I came in contact with all day. So thank you all, and Love and Prayers for you, m
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 2, Round 4 and Ash Wednesday
Had my usual bad night of the first night after chemo....par for the course. I spent the night in and out of sleep...but mostly out of sleep. I finally gave up and got up a 7 a.m. I have gotten a lot done since then, not just sitting around drinking my morning coffee. I've added several things to my suitcase..things I remembered while laying awake last night. Made myself an omelet for breakfast and called to get an appointment at HHH.
Yesterday's chemo went well, and Judy brought the cribbage board and cards, and I had the most unusually great hands (a 24 hand and several 20's) needless to say I beat Judy twice, but not by much, she had some pretty great hands as well. Judy went and got us lunch, which was Chinese take out, but instead of ordering a single serving for each of us, ordered 1 qt of chicken chow mein and 1 qt of beef and broccoli and a side of fried rice. She asked for brown rice, but the person taking the order thought she meant fried rice. So we had fried and white rice. About enough for 3 or 4 meals a piece. I know I took the chow mein home and ate some last night, and will have enough for lunch again today. The smaller 1 pt would have been more than enough. Sherri Cady showed up for a short visit to give me some information about Pathways a health crisis resource center, and offers many free classes etc. for those with life threatening diseases like cancer. Then Judy and I played 2 hands of Gin and it was time to pack up and head for home. I was winning!
I don't know if it was a full dose of atropine during the chemo that made me extra drowsy, but I had to sing Happy Birthday to everyone with birthdays in March that I could think of to stay awake. When I got home I went to the bathroom and directly to the couch and slept for almost 2 hours. I usually do take a nap when I get home from chemo, but it really hit me early yesterday. Luckily next time I have chemo Judy will be driving me all the way home, as she is picking me up at the airport on Monday night, taking me to chemo on Tuesday morning and then home after the infusion. So I won't have to worry about falling to sleep while driving.
After my nap I did some things like putting holds on mail and newspaper. Did some cards and gifts for my confirmation student so he gets some while I'm gone. Paid some bills and watched the Biggest Loser (which I don't like very much this year)and Parenthood, which I really like.
I also gathered some note cards and get well cards to start my Lenten plan to either call, write, send a card or email someone on my prayer list each day. As I was coming up with this idea and then wondered if my reason for living, was to be an inspiration to those going through their life threatening illnesses. So this seems like the perfect lenten project for me.
Today I have more errands to run, the bank to make a deposit, HealthPartners to pick up a couple of prescriptions I ordered refills for last night, and then back to HHH for a urine sample, they forgot to get from me yesterday, and while I'm there I need to get two more refills, so I have enough to carry me through my three week vacation. Then I'm going to Sheila Judd's for another Qigong session, and finally will go to church this evening for Ashes!
My suitcase is packed with the addition of those prescriptions I'm picking up, and I'll be ready for Bill to pick me up at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow and then get unplugged and off to the airport and Salt Lake City, where Kathleen will be waiting for me.
Hope you have a great day, Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday's chemo went well, and Judy brought the cribbage board and cards, and I had the most unusually great hands (a 24 hand and several 20's) needless to say I beat Judy twice, but not by much, she had some pretty great hands as well. Judy went and got us lunch, which was Chinese take out, but instead of ordering a single serving for each of us, ordered 1 qt of chicken chow mein and 1 qt of beef and broccoli and a side of fried rice. She asked for brown rice, but the person taking the order thought she meant fried rice. So we had fried and white rice. About enough for 3 or 4 meals a piece. I know I took the chow mein home and ate some last night, and will have enough for lunch again today. The smaller 1 pt would have been more than enough. Sherri Cady showed up for a short visit to give me some information about Pathways a health crisis resource center, and offers many free classes etc. for those with life threatening diseases like cancer. Then Judy and I played 2 hands of Gin and it was time to pack up and head for home. I was winning!
I don't know if it was a full dose of atropine during the chemo that made me extra drowsy, but I had to sing Happy Birthday to everyone with birthdays in March that I could think of to stay awake. When I got home I went to the bathroom and directly to the couch and slept for almost 2 hours. I usually do take a nap when I get home from chemo, but it really hit me early yesterday. Luckily next time I have chemo Judy will be driving me all the way home, as she is picking me up at the airport on Monday night, taking me to chemo on Tuesday morning and then home after the infusion. So I won't have to worry about falling to sleep while driving.
After my nap I did some things like putting holds on mail and newspaper. Did some cards and gifts for my confirmation student so he gets some while I'm gone. Paid some bills and watched the Biggest Loser (which I don't like very much this year)and Parenthood, which I really like.
I also gathered some note cards and get well cards to start my Lenten plan to either call, write, send a card or email someone on my prayer list each day. As I was coming up with this idea and then wondered if my reason for living, was to be an inspiration to those going through their life threatening illnesses. So this seems like the perfect lenten project for me.
Today I have more errands to run, the bank to make a deposit, HealthPartners to pick up a couple of prescriptions I ordered refills for last night, and then back to HHH for a urine sample, they forgot to get from me yesterday, and while I'm there I need to get two more refills, so I have enough to carry me through my three week vacation. Then I'm going to Sheila Judd's for another Qigong session, and finally will go to church this evening for Ashes!
My suitcase is packed with the addition of those prescriptions I'm picking up, and I'll be ready for Bill to pick me up at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow and then get unplugged and off to the airport and Salt Lake City, where Kathleen will be waiting for me.
Hope you have a great day, Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
White Covering the Brown
Not much time to write this morning, but I'll try and hurry up and get this done. I over slept by 1/2 an hour so.
I had a good day yesterday, met Mary Brue for a cup of tea and a healthy smoothie with her. Actually we talked for about 2 hours. We do see each other monthly, and we email back and forth a lot, so it's not like we hadn't seen each other in months and had to catch up....but we always have lots to talk about and have so many different connections with our lives that it's easy. Actually it goes back to our fathers even knowing each other, and her mom being the secretary at Midwest Printing where Dad was the Superintendent and Gene did his apprenticeship. When our boys (Tom and Bill, and Mark and Eric) played little league we met sitting in the bleachers and somehow found out that Gene was a printer at the StarTribune, and so it began....I always figure out how I could possibly be connected to everyone. Anyway Mary got me the job at ARCC when there was a temporary opening in her office and we worked at the college till each of us retired.
After that I went to LifeWay and got some cards and gifts, and then went to Michaels for some things....and then came back home. I spent the evening packing....but to my dismay, couldn't fit everything for 3 weeks and 2 different locals and functions into my weekender size bag and moved everything into the big suitcase. So luckily it will be checked and I won't have to deal with it much.
Well I better get into the shower and get to HHH for my 4th round of chemo....I should have titled this Day 1 Round 4 but the snow won out!! Love and Prayers, m
I had a good day yesterday, met Mary Brue for a cup of tea and a healthy smoothie with her. Actually we talked for about 2 hours. We do see each other monthly, and we email back and forth a lot, so it's not like we hadn't seen each other in months and had to catch up....but we always have lots to talk about and have so many different connections with our lives that it's easy. Actually it goes back to our fathers even knowing each other, and her mom being the secretary at Midwest Printing where Dad was the Superintendent and Gene did his apprenticeship. When our boys (Tom and Bill, and Mark and Eric) played little league we met sitting in the bleachers and somehow found out that Gene was a printer at the StarTribune, and so it began....I always figure out how I could possibly be connected to everyone. Anyway Mary got me the job at ARCC when there was a temporary opening in her office and we worked at the college till each of us retired.
After that I went to LifeWay and got some cards and gifts, and then went to Michaels for some things....and then came back home. I spent the evening packing....but to my dismay, couldn't fit everything for 3 weeks and 2 different locals and functions into my weekender size bag and moved everything into the big suitcase. So luckily it will be checked and I won't have to deal with it much.
Well I better get into the shower and get to HHH for my 4th round of chemo....I should have titled this Day 1 Round 4 but the snow won out!! Love and Prayers, m
Monday, February 20, 2012
Waiting for Snow
The sun is shining this morning and possibility of 40 degrees, but by sunset, it will be snowing....and more wintery weather as the week I won't get out of town in time...or maybe just in time....Thursday can't come soon enough.
I'm wondering if I shouldn't take my boots?
I had a ready church filled day started out with Mass at 8:30, then Gary and his Aunt Eva and I went to Nicklo's for breakfast, and at 10:30 I realized I had to be out of there and on my way to Mackenzie's birthday party....and the present was still at home. So Gary said he would take care of the bill and I could pay him I rushed out, drove home, got the gift and headed to Minnetonka. I got to what I thought was the right building just a few minutes late and parked across the street in the church parking lot, like the invite suggested and walked over to the building, but couldn't get in the security door....and a women came in and asked me who I was looking for, and I told her I was looking for a birthday party and after a few questions back and forth, we figured out I really wanted to be in the building next door. So I walked back across the street and moved my car to the other side of the parking lot...walked back across the street to the next building and low and behold that is where the party was.
I had a great time at the party and spent a lot of the time holding a sleeping Sidney and even got to feed her. Visited with my nephew Dan, and Jason's mom and brother and a family that Carrie was Nannie for. Watching Mackenzie open presents was fun, cause all she cared about was the tissue or wrapping paper.
After the party I got to go home for about an hour, and then headed off to church for a choir concert....which turned out to be way more than that. The choir, youth choir, hand-bell choir, a solo by a young pianist who played Chopin so fantastically...his hands flew across the keys and never missed a note. A duet by Bill Stefl and Marion Wick of "The Prayer" got a standing ovation, and their were several instruments accompanying all the music. The whole afternoon was a great experience....but it didn't get over till about 6:20 p.m. and we were supposed to be at Gary and Carolyn Buhr's home at 6:30. The problem with that, was that almost all of the Lenten group was either at the concert or in the choir.
I had the added pleasure of visiting with friends and Carol Kline who I hadn't seen in months...and Father Chuck about the book I took over to give him on Friday, and he had already started it, he said he lived only one block away from the block the family lived on in the book. He also knew people on that block, so he was enjoying reading it too.
I hadn't eaten since Nicklo's at 10:30, and I was starving, so I drove directly to
Arby's and got a fish sandwich and took it with me to the Lenten meeting. By that time Gary and a few others had already arrived and only had to wait for Rose, cause she had to go home and get her husband Rob. We ended up starting the meeting pretty close to 7 or so....and ended by 9 or so....the meeting might have ended sooner than that...but we stood around and visited for quite a long time. Long enough for my back to start aching. Standing in one place seems to do a number on my back. It killed me at church in the morning, and I had to do communion so I really had to stand for an extended length of time and I really felt it. I need to tell Sheila about that on Wednesday when I go for Qigong...hopefully she can work on that area for me.
Got home by 9:30 and sunk into my chair and finally read the Sunday paper. I did get an update for you. Lois emailed that Sharon's bone scan was clear and that the lymph nodes they took out were also clear, so she was really relieved about that. She gets stronger each day, and family is going out to see her in the weeks to come. It's something to add to our "Thank You God List".
Today I'm meeting Mary Brue for a Smoothie at a Health Food Shop that she loves. The women who owns it also has some connection to my grandson Jack's girlfriend Rae. So I'll get to find out what that is hopefully. Then I will do a little shopping and come home and working on actually putting the clothes I'm taking into the suitcase.
So must get moving, Love and Prayers, m
I'm wondering if I shouldn't take my boots?
I had a ready church filled day started out with Mass at 8:30, then Gary and his Aunt Eva and I went to Nicklo's for breakfast, and at 10:30 I realized I had to be out of there and on my way to Mackenzie's birthday party....and the present was still at home. So Gary said he would take care of the bill and I could pay him I rushed out, drove home, got the gift and headed to Minnetonka. I got to what I thought was the right building just a few minutes late and parked across the street in the church parking lot, like the invite suggested and walked over to the building, but couldn't get in the security door....and a women came in and asked me who I was looking for, and I told her I was looking for a birthday party and after a few questions back and forth, we figured out I really wanted to be in the building next door. So I walked back across the street and moved my car to the other side of the parking lot...walked back across the street to the next building and low and behold that is where the party was.
I had a great time at the party and spent a lot of the time holding a sleeping Sidney and even got to feed her. Visited with my nephew Dan, and Jason's mom and brother and a family that Carrie was Nannie for. Watching Mackenzie open presents was fun, cause all she cared about was the tissue or wrapping paper.
After the party I got to go home for about an hour, and then headed off to church for a choir concert....which turned out to be way more than that. The choir, youth choir, hand-bell choir, a solo by a young pianist who played Chopin so fantastically...his hands flew across the keys and never missed a note. A duet by Bill Stefl and Marion Wick of "The Prayer" got a standing ovation, and their were several instruments accompanying all the music. The whole afternoon was a great experience....but it didn't get over till about 6:20 p.m. and we were supposed to be at Gary and Carolyn Buhr's home at 6:30. The problem with that, was that almost all of the Lenten group was either at the concert or in the choir.
I had the added pleasure of visiting with friends and Carol Kline who I hadn't seen in months...and Father Chuck about the book I took over to give him on Friday, and he had already started it, he said he lived only one block away from the block the family lived on in the book. He also knew people on that block, so he was enjoying reading it too.
I hadn't eaten since Nicklo's at 10:30, and I was starving, so I drove directly to
Arby's and got a fish sandwich and took it with me to the Lenten meeting. By that time Gary and a few others had already arrived and only had to wait for Rose, cause she had to go home and get her husband Rob. We ended up starting the meeting pretty close to 7 or so....and ended by 9 or so....the meeting might have ended sooner than that...but we stood around and visited for quite a long time. Long enough for my back to start aching. Standing in one place seems to do a number on my back. It killed me at church in the morning, and I had to do communion so I really had to stand for an extended length of time and I really felt it. I need to tell Sheila about that on Wednesday when I go for Qigong...hopefully she can work on that area for me.
Got home by 9:30 and sunk into my chair and finally read the Sunday paper. I did get an update for you. Lois emailed that Sharon's bone scan was clear and that the lymph nodes they took out were also clear, so she was really relieved about that. She gets stronger each day, and family is going out to see her in the weeks to come. It's something to add to our "Thank You God List".
Today I'm meeting Mary Brue for a Smoothie at a Health Food Shop that she loves. The women who owns it also has some connection to my grandson Jack's girlfriend Rae. So I'll get to find out what that is hopefully. Then I will do a little shopping and come home and working on actually putting the clothes I'm taking into the suitcase.
So must get moving, Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Another Sunny Day
And I have lots of fun stuff planned. First church, a birthday party for my great neice Mackenzie who is now 1 year old!! and then St. Tim's choir concert at 4 this afternoon, and my Lenten Group starts this evening.
Yesterday was another interesting day. I was so busy with my new ipod and loading music and finding an audiobook I could download free and marking all my cords and organizing them all for the trip...Nook, Blackberry, Camera and ipod....I forgot to write my blog till noon. After that, I did some more packing....which was hard, cause it is for two different types of activities and weather. But I think I got it figured out.
I thought I would listen to my ipod while I was packing, and it kept turning off. I thought maybe it was cause I was bumping the switch, but I tried setting it carefully down and it still wouldn't make it through a full song without turning off. I also had problems with the earphones sometimes only hearing out of one and not both. So by about 4 p.m. I was totally exasperated and decided it was a bad ipod, and I took it back to Best Buy and they quickly gave me a new one hardly without question. So, getting home I synced all my stuff onto the new one, and then let it charge for a full 3 hours like the instructions told me, and then about 8 p.m. I decided to listen to it and see if it now worked better than the last one.....well it did exactly the same thing. At this point I went online to Apple's website to troubleshoot and right at the top of the list of problems was that the ipod turned off all the I clicked on that and it said that I should check the way I had the earphones plugged in. I maybe didn't have it plugged in all the way...well I didn' fixing worked perfectly. I'm afraid the first one probably would have worked perfectly too! Oh Well!!!
I got a caringbridge update on Lottie and Saturday was not a good day for her, so it's an up and down process even in the hospital. She really needs your prayers. I'm off to the showers...Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was another interesting day. I was so busy with my new ipod and loading music and finding an audiobook I could download free and marking all my cords and organizing them all for the trip...Nook, Blackberry, Camera and ipod....I forgot to write my blog till noon. After that, I did some more packing....which was hard, cause it is for two different types of activities and weather. But I think I got it figured out.
I thought I would listen to my ipod while I was packing, and it kept turning off. I thought maybe it was cause I was bumping the switch, but I tried setting it carefully down and it still wouldn't make it through a full song without turning off. I also had problems with the earphones sometimes only hearing out of one and not both. So by about 4 p.m. I was totally exasperated and decided it was a bad ipod, and I took it back to Best Buy and they quickly gave me a new one hardly without question. So, getting home I synced all my stuff onto the new one, and then let it charge for a full 3 hours like the instructions told me, and then about 8 p.m. I decided to listen to it and see if it now worked better than the last one.....well it did exactly the same thing. At this point I went online to Apple's website to troubleshoot and right at the top of the list of problems was that the ipod turned off all the I clicked on that and it said that I should check the way I had the earphones plugged in. I maybe didn't have it plugged in all the way...well I didn' fixing worked perfectly. I'm afraid the first one probably would have worked perfectly too! Oh Well!!!
I got a caringbridge update on Lottie and Saturday was not a good day for her, so it's an up and down process even in the hospital. She really needs your prayers. I'm off to the showers...Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Bright Sun Gave Me Too Much Energy!
So much, I forgot to do my blog till now!! OMG I'm so sorry!! I got up my normal 7:15 a.m. and then I got involved in my Nook, trying to get it ready for vacation. I've downloaded some new apps and as well as some music. I started organizing all the cords and headphones etc. for each my new ipod (that's another story), my Blackberry, my Nook, and my Camera, so when I leave I have everything I need. So that's what I've been up to, as well as reading my email etc.
Yesterday, I took my Nook over to Barnes and Noble to figure out how to download books from the Anoka Cty Library, bought some bread at Cub, and dropped off a book for Fr. Chuck at St. Tims, and got home about 1:15 p.m. They explained at Barnes and Noble that I needed to download the book onto my home computer, and then move it to the Nook. I guess I hadn't read the instructions well, so I then read them carefully and got to the point to add my library card number and pin....well I didn't have a called the library to find out what I had to do to get a card had expired and so I need to get a new one....which meant I had to go to the library (which is across the street from Barnes and Noble). Finally back home again I started browsing a couple of books I thought I'd like to read, and wouldn't you know it, but both books I picked were not available and I had to be put on a waiting list for them. I'm hoping that before I leave, that will happen, as I won't be taking my computer along with me, and don't know if I can make this happen from Kathleens computer....but maybe Gary can help me with that.
When I went back to the library, I got the idea that I wanted an ipod so that I could put some music on and maybe a audiobook too. So I stopped at Best Buy and got myself a little ipod nano. Gene's ipod is at the cabin and you can't see what you are listening to anymore...the screen is blank, so I really needed a new one. I'll transfer all his music to mine next time I go to the cabin.
I spent a lot of time last evening putting music onto the ipod....Garth, Cash, Ray Price, and Johnny Mathis...I may go to the basement and find some more goodies from Gene's collection today.
I also got to spend the evening with Matthew. Annie and family were going to the Blaine HS Girls Hockey team who were in the playoffs for the State Tournament, and Matthew didn't want to go along, so we got to play together. He spent some time building a RR Track all across the living room floor, then some time on his DS playing some games, and then he decided he wanted to play some games on my computer, so we found a couple, and the last being a golf game, and he played the first time alone and scored big time. The next time he played against the computer, and beat the computer too! Even got a hole-in-one. So that's what we were doing when they came back to get him. I realized that I won't be seeing them again before I leave, so I gave Annie her birthday present early, so she could use it for the trip they are taking to Texas for Spring break. They will actually be gone when I get home, so it will really be along time. So I got big hugs and kisses from everyone on their way out. So glad I got the time to spend with Matthew as it will be awhile, almost Easter when I see him again.
I did get an update on Lottie, and evidently taking her medicine as directed etc. at the hospital has really helped and I guess she told her daughter that she was even smiling when she was talking to her last night. So the prayers are working, but she requested we not stop. Nothing other than that. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, I took my Nook over to Barnes and Noble to figure out how to download books from the Anoka Cty Library, bought some bread at Cub, and dropped off a book for Fr. Chuck at St. Tims, and got home about 1:15 p.m. They explained at Barnes and Noble that I needed to download the book onto my home computer, and then move it to the Nook. I guess I hadn't read the instructions well, so I then read them carefully and got to the point to add my library card number and pin....well I didn't have a called the library to find out what I had to do to get a card had expired and so I need to get a new one....which meant I had to go to the library (which is across the street from Barnes and Noble). Finally back home again I started browsing a couple of books I thought I'd like to read, and wouldn't you know it, but both books I picked were not available and I had to be put on a waiting list for them. I'm hoping that before I leave, that will happen, as I won't be taking my computer along with me, and don't know if I can make this happen from Kathleens computer....but maybe Gary can help me with that.
When I went back to the library, I got the idea that I wanted an ipod so that I could put some music on and maybe a audiobook too. So I stopped at Best Buy and got myself a little ipod nano. Gene's ipod is at the cabin and you can't see what you are listening to anymore...the screen is blank, so I really needed a new one. I'll transfer all his music to mine next time I go to the cabin.
I spent a lot of time last evening putting music onto the ipod....Garth, Cash, Ray Price, and Johnny Mathis...I may go to the basement and find some more goodies from Gene's collection today.
I also got to spend the evening with Matthew. Annie and family were going to the Blaine HS Girls Hockey team who were in the playoffs for the State Tournament, and Matthew didn't want to go along, so we got to play together. He spent some time building a RR Track all across the living room floor, then some time on his DS playing some games, and then he decided he wanted to play some games on my computer, so we found a couple, and the last being a golf game, and he played the first time alone and scored big time. The next time he played against the computer, and beat the computer too! Even got a hole-in-one. So that's what we were doing when they came back to get him. I realized that I won't be seeing them again before I leave, so I gave Annie her birthday present early, so she could use it for the trip they are taking to Texas for Spring break. They will actually be gone when I get home, so it will really be along time. So I got big hugs and kisses from everyone on their way out. So glad I got the time to spend with Matthew as it will be awhile, almost Easter when I see him again.
I did get an update on Lottie, and evidently taking her medicine as directed etc. at the hospital has really helped and I guess she told her daughter that she was even smiling when she was talking to her last night. So the prayers are working, but she requested we not stop. Nothing other than that. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, February 17, 2012
Woke up to a Dusting of Snow
Not enough to even cover the grass. What is this winter coming to? I love the warm weather, but I know it has hurt so many businesses that rely on the snow and cold.
When I got up this morning a little after 7 a.m., it was gray and dull, and I did all my normal things like read my email and eat my breakfast, but all of a sudden I was so tired. I laid down on the couch and covered up with my quilt, and pretty soon I was sleeping. When I woke up this time about a half hour later...or so....the sun was shining, and I feel so much better!!
Yesterday, I did very little that is noticeable. I tried on some new clothes and tried to decide whether I would take it on vacation or not. I also actually gathered a lot of stuff and did some closet organizing a long the way.
I spent a lot of time on the computer...trying to figure out a site called Pinterest and...forwarding a invitation to all the female cousins to "It's All about Debbie Vegas Trip"
Twenty years ago Debbie turned 40, and that was the beginning of the Cousin's Chronicle a Cousin's newsletter that I wrote, printed and mailed out to at the end 90 cousins, aunts and uncles. I did this for about 15 years monthly. I guess about the time Gene died or maybe before that I started emailing it instead and then I started a Schieber Cousin's Chronicle blog and put news and prayer requests on their, but I then started this blog, and slowly but surely, I just sent out anything people request me to forward to the cousins by email. Cousins are pretty good at keeping me updated on new email addresses etc. (In-fact I got two changes yesterday).
Anyway Vegas was a blast 20 years ago, and the cousins have repeated a couple of times, and this year Debbie turns 60 and we hope to beat the number of female cousins we had 20 years ago. We had 26 then....I'm guessing we will beat it. Everyone has heard how much fun we have.
So I spent a lot of time answering emails, Facebooking about Pinterest and then researching flights and hotel rates. I'm going to share my room with Kathleen, Judy and Jeannie. And the D's are talking about getting 2 adjoining 2 queen bed rooms, and may let a few others join them. It's so excited.
I also read a Caringbridge notice regarding Lottie Virnig. She was admitted to the Geriatric Mental Health Unit at Unity Hospital Wednesday night. So please pray that they can help her control her anxiety, take her meds and strengthen her physically as well. I feel so bad for her. Chemo is a pretty easy thing for me. More of an inconvenience if anything...although I have turned it into a social event too. I just wish it was that easy for her too.
I read cousin Louie's Caringbridge site every day, and he is doing all the PT and OT a couple of times a week, but in testing his range of motion in a couple of areas, he is losing ground quickly. He right now can't even raise his arm 90 degree's and most of us, if not all, can raise our arm 180 degrees. So add some more prayers for him.
Today I have a couple of errands to run, and other than that not a very exciting day. But the sun is shining, so I'll make the most of it. Love and Prayers, m
When I got up this morning a little after 7 a.m., it was gray and dull, and I did all my normal things like read my email and eat my breakfast, but all of a sudden I was so tired. I laid down on the couch and covered up with my quilt, and pretty soon I was sleeping. When I woke up this time about a half hour later...or so....the sun was shining, and I feel so much better!!
Yesterday, I did very little that is noticeable. I tried on some new clothes and tried to decide whether I would take it on vacation or not. I also actually gathered a lot of stuff and did some closet organizing a long the way.
I spent a lot of time on the computer...trying to figure out a site called Pinterest and...forwarding a invitation to all the female cousins to "It's All about Debbie Vegas Trip"
Twenty years ago Debbie turned 40, and that was the beginning of the Cousin's Chronicle a Cousin's newsletter that I wrote, printed and mailed out to at the end 90 cousins, aunts and uncles. I did this for about 15 years monthly. I guess about the time Gene died or maybe before that I started emailing it instead and then I started a Schieber Cousin's Chronicle blog and put news and prayer requests on their, but I then started this blog, and slowly but surely, I just sent out anything people request me to forward to the cousins by email. Cousins are pretty good at keeping me updated on new email addresses etc. (In-fact I got two changes yesterday).
Anyway Vegas was a blast 20 years ago, and the cousins have repeated a couple of times, and this year Debbie turns 60 and we hope to beat the number of female cousins we had 20 years ago. We had 26 then....I'm guessing we will beat it. Everyone has heard how much fun we have.
So I spent a lot of time answering emails, Facebooking about Pinterest and then researching flights and hotel rates. I'm going to share my room with Kathleen, Judy and Jeannie. And the D's are talking about getting 2 adjoining 2 queen bed rooms, and may let a few others join them. It's so excited.
I also read a Caringbridge notice regarding Lottie Virnig. She was admitted to the Geriatric Mental Health Unit at Unity Hospital Wednesday night. So please pray that they can help her control her anxiety, take her meds and strengthen her physically as well. I feel so bad for her. Chemo is a pretty easy thing for me. More of an inconvenience if anything...although I have turned it into a social event too. I just wish it was that easy for her too.
I read cousin Louie's Caringbridge site every day, and he is doing all the PT and OT a couple of times a week, but in testing his range of motion in a couple of areas, he is losing ground quickly. He right now can't even raise his arm 90 degree's and most of us, if not all, can raise our arm 180 degrees. So add some more prayers for him.
Today I have a couple of errands to run, and other than that not a very exciting day. But the sun is shining, so I'll make the most of it. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Loving the Sunshine!
Again this morning the sun is shining and I love it! I've already gotten a lot done this morning. I'm continuing to get up a little after 7 a.m. and I'm also sleeping well. I think I have an explanation as to why I'm sleeping better too.
I went to the doctor yesterday that prescribed my meds for RLS and the Neuropathy in my feet. It was a follow up as to how the meds were working etc. and at first I was saying that I didn't think that the Requip had really made any difference, and as discussing that drug, he looked into the side affects of it, and one was relaxing and making me sleepy....and I realized that is why I've been sleeping the last I've decided to stay with it.
I had my hair done yesterday so I'll be looking good for my trip and I also went to Doug and Jimbo's office to Fax the proof to JC Penney that I had double paid, and we couldn't get the FAX to go through, so I went online to find a number to call them and figure out why the FAX wasn't going through, and I get that automated answering machine, and after giving my information the automated voice gives me a summary of my account, and say that I have a credit of $200 and would I like a refund for that? I tell the automated voice "Yes", and she says okay a checked will be mailed to you in 10 to 12 days. Darn...I went to the bank twice to get the correct information to Fax to them cause I had to wait till the money had actually cleared both banks the payments had come out of....I printed out the information from the other online bank, and printed out a page with all my information on to FAX and then go up to the office to Fax it all like they told me I had to do to get the refund, and all I really needed to do was make a phone call! Their payment department drives me crazy!!
I did get my laundry done last night, and today I think I will try and pack...or at least figure out what to take, as I will be at places where I can do laundry, I figure I only need about a weeks worth of clothes plus a couple dressier type outfits in case we go out. So the hard part will be deciding which 7 or 8 outfits to take, and what I can squeeze into one small suitcase and a backpack. I refuse to take more than that, as I'm not hoisting a carry-on up into the overhead compartments. The backpack fits well under the seat. I even downsized the purse I have been carrying to a really small one.
I don't have any updates for you, but I do think that I am a good example of how well your prayers are working. I'm sure I wouldn't be feeling this good and traveling as much without all the prayers you are saying for me. Thank you so much!
Love and prayers, m
I went to the doctor yesterday that prescribed my meds for RLS and the Neuropathy in my feet. It was a follow up as to how the meds were working etc. and at first I was saying that I didn't think that the Requip had really made any difference, and as discussing that drug, he looked into the side affects of it, and one was relaxing and making me sleepy....and I realized that is why I've been sleeping the last I've decided to stay with it.
I had my hair done yesterday so I'll be looking good for my trip and I also went to Doug and Jimbo's office to Fax the proof to JC Penney that I had double paid, and we couldn't get the FAX to go through, so I went online to find a number to call them and figure out why the FAX wasn't going through, and I get that automated answering machine, and after giving my information the automated voice gives me a summary of my account, and say that I have a credit of $200 and would I like a refund for that? I tell the automated voice "Yes", and she says okay a checked will be mailed to you in 10 to 12 days. Darn...I went to the bank twice to get the correct information to Fax to them cause I had to wait till the money had actually cleared both banks the payments had come out of....I printed out the information from the other online bank, and printed out a page with all my information on to FAX and then go up to the office to Fax it all like they told me I had to do to get the refund, and all I really needed to do was make a phone call! Their payment department drives me crazy!!
I did get my laundry done last night, and today I think I will try and pack...or at least figure out what to take, as I will be at places where I can do laundry, I figure I only need about a weeks worth of clothes plus a couple dressier type outfits in case we go out. So the hard part will be deciding which 7 or 8 outfits to take, and what I can squeeze into one small suitcase and a backpack. I refuse to take more than that, as I'm not hoisting a carry-on up into the overhead compartments. The backpack fits well under the seat. I even downsized the purse I have been carrying to a really small one.
I don't have any updates for you, but I do think that I am a good example of how well your prayers are working. I'm sure I wouldn't be feeling this good and traveling as much without all the prayers you are saying for me. Thank you so much!
Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Sunshine on My Shoulder Makes Me Happy
The sun is shining and as you know....I really do feel so much better when it is. Without that sun I did have a good day yesterday....but it's always so much better with the sun.
Yesterday I went for my infusion at 11 a.m. thinking it would only take a couple of hours, but nobody was moving fast and I didn't get out of there till 2 p.m., so I didn't get home till almost 2:30 p.m.. I did get the book I was reading almost done, but still had another couple of pages to read....which I finished this morning. It was written by a local women about a family in South Minneapolis and Incarnation Catholic church in the 1960's. "Life on Pleasant" by Therese Dotray Tulloch. It was fun to read as I recognized all the places she talked about, and actually learned a lot of history about the area that even though I grew up there, didn't know.
Then I met Bonnie at the theatre to see "The Vow" and enjoyed that as well. A good show to see on Valentine's Day. Lois was supposed to meet us, but decided she better not skip her cardiac rehab session as she hadn't been for several weeks.
Didn't get home till almost 6 p.m., and had to eat dinner and go to the Women's Club meeting, where Lonnie McCauley was the guest speaker. She is the Executive Director of Stepping Stone, a place for homeless in Anoka County. Lonnie is a former neighbor of mine, a former member and president of the Women's Club, a former Mayor of Coon Rapids, and formerly worked as the Foundation director at Anoka Technical College. So I've had a lot of contact with her over the years. I think this is the most impressed I've been with what she is doing. I think the most rewarding for her as well.
Today I have an appointment to have my hair done this morning, and an appointment to see Dr. Norquist at HealthPartners, a follow up to the medications I am taking for Restless Leg Syndrome and the neuropathy in my feet. I'm not sure I need to be taking both of the meds prescribed, so hopefully I can eliminate one of them. Actually I've had a few moments when I thought neither of them were working, but those have been very few, and I haven't had any nights of twitching since I started taking them. I'm wondering if the chemo has something to do with that.
I also have to get that Fax taken care of....didn't happen yesterday. But I'm sure I can get that done today. Also going to run over to Kohls to pick up a few items that I have been waiting for my 30% off coupon to be good. Other than that I think it will be a quiet night and I really don't have plans for tomorrow either! Can you believe that....I may have to do laundry...and start packing. Only a week before I leave again.
I did hear that Sonja Drieste is still waiting for the doctors to decide about her surgery...I would hate to be her waiting on the doctors. Nothing worse than waiting. Sharon is doing better every day and is getting her hair cut short and a red wig before her hair falls out. No other updates, but I did get a great suggestion from Mary Brue after reading my blog yesterday and noting the long list of prayer needs. Mary suggested that I also add a list of Thank You's or comments when those prayers have been answered. So I will try and do that along the way...the fact that Ed Huber is listed as a survivor is I guess one of those answers to our prayers, the whole Cousins Chronicle group was asked to pray for Ed, and he's doing well. I'm sure there are a lot more Cousins I've asked for prayers for along the way, that are doing well....cousin Diane comes to mind...that are doing well...June Gebehart is walking daily and without pain for the first time in years...etc. So lets remember to say "Thank You" along the way....God does answer our prayers....the power of prayer is great! I'm here as proof positive.
Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday I went for my infusion at 11 a.m. thinking it would only take a couple of hours, but nobody was moving fast and I didn't get out of there till 2 p.m., so I didn't get home till almost 2:30 p.m.. I did get the book I was reading almost done, but still had another couple of pages to read....which I finished this morning. It was written by a local women about a family in South Minneapolis and Incarnation Catholic church in the 1960's. "Life on Pleasant" by Therese Dotray Tulloch. It was fun to read as I recognized all the places she talked about, and actually learned a lot of history about the area that even though I grew up there, didn't know.
Then I met Bonnie at the theatre to see "The Vow" and enjoyed that as well. A good show to see on Valentine's Day. Lois was supposed to meet us, but decided she better not skip her cardiac rehab session as she hadn't been for several weeks.
Didn't get home till almost 6 p.m., and had to eat dinner and go to the Women's Club meeting, where Lonnie McCauley was the guest speaker. She is the Executive Director of Stepping Stone, a place for homeless in Anoka County. Lonnie is a former neighbor of mine, a former member and president of the Women's Club, a former Mayor of Coon Rapids, and formerly worked as the Foundation director at Anoka Technical College. So I've had a lot of contact with her over the years. I think this is the most impressed I've been with what she is doing. I think the most rewarding for her as well.
Today I have an appointment to have my hair done this morning, and an appointment to see Dr. Norquist at HealthPartners, a follow up to the medications I am taking for Restless Leg Syndrome and the neuropathy in my feet. I'm not sure I need to be taking both of the meds prescribed, so hopefully I can eliminate one of them. Actually I've had a few moments when I thought neither of them were working, but those have been very few, and I haven't had any nights of twitching since I started taking them. I'm wondering if the chemo has something to do with that.
I also have to get that Fax taken care of....didn't happen yesterday. But I'm sure I can get that done today. Also going to run over to Kohls to pick up a few items that I have been waiting for my 30% off coupon to be good. Other than that I think it will be a quiet night and I really don't have plans for tomorrow either! Can you believe that....I may have to do laundry...and start packing. Only a week before I leave again.
I did hear that Sonja Drieste is still waiting for the doctors to decide about her surgery...I would hate to be her waiting on the doctors. Nothing worse than waiting. Sharon is doing better every day and is getting her hair cut short and a red wig before her hair falls out. No other updates, but I did get a great suggestion from Mary Brue after reading my blog yesterday and noting the long list of prayer needs. Mary suggested that I also add a list of Thank You's or comments when those prayers have been answered. So I will try and do that along the way...the fact that Ed Huber is listed as a survivor is I guess one of those answers to our prayers, the whole Cousins Chronicle group was asked to pray for Ed, and he's doing well. I'm sure there are a lot more Cousins I've asked for prayers for along the way, that are doing well....cousin Diane comes to mind...that are doing well...June Gebehart is walking daily and without pain for the first time in years...etc. So lets remember to say "Thank You" along the way....God does answer our prayers....the power of prayer is great! I'm here as proof positive.
Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day!
Love, Hugs and Kisses to all of you!
Another descent night of sleep....did get up a few times to go to the bathroom, but went right back to sleep. So I'm feeling good this morning. Again I was up at 7:15 a.m....seems my body clock got changed with the Eastern time zone in Myrtle Beach. But I'm kinda liking it. It sure made Sunday morning Mass a lot easier to get to on time.
Yesterday I got a whole lot of stuff done. I shopped at Rosedale for a few birthday presents, then stopped at church to pick up my book for the lenten study group and drop off something for my confirmation student...then I stopped at the bank to get proof that a bill to JC Penney had cleared, so they could print out that and now I can fax to JC Penney and get it refunded. (It was a double payment....I won't go into their NON autopayment program) From there I went to Annies and delivered Valentines...collecting hugs and kisses from Nicole and Allie along with that....and went on to Jimbo's and collected more hugs and kisses from Jack and Nick. I wasn't done there....I then went to Old Navy and picked up another birthday present....but by then I was ready to go home and veg. Later I even got a call from Matthew thanking me for the valentine and telling me he loved sweet!
Today won't be quite that bad, but I do have several things to do. I will have my infusion at HHH at 11 a.m. then plans for a movie with Bonnie and Lois at 3:30 and this evening a Women's Club meeting. Somewhere inbetween that I'll go and get my fax sent. I have to go to Doug's office to do that.
Still no updates on my prayer list, but notice at the side of my page under my spot adopters I've started a list of those I'm praying if you see I've forgotten someone please let me know and I'll add them. Love and prayers, along with those Hugs and Kisses, m
Another descent night of sleep....did get up a few times to go to the bathroom, but went right back to sleep. So I'm feeling good this morning. Again I was up at 7:15 a.m....seems my body clock got changed with the Eastern time zone in Myrtle Beach. But I'm kinda liking it. It sure made Sunday morning Mass a lot easier to get to on time.
Yesterday I got a whole lot of stuff done. I shopped at Rosedale for a few birthday presents, then stopped at church to pick up my book for the lenten study group and drop off something for my confirmation student...then I stopped at the bank to get proof that a bill to JC Penney had cleared, so they could print out that and now I can fax to JC Penney and get it refunded. (It was a double payment....I won't go into their NON autopayment program) From there I went to Annies and delivered Valentines...collecting hugs and kisses from Nicole and Allie along with that....and went on to Jimbo's and collected more hugs and kisses from Jack and Nick. I wasn't done there....I then went to Old Navy and picked up another birthday present....but by then I was ready to go home and veg. Later I even got a call from Matthew thanking me for the valentine and telling me he loved sweet!
Today won't be quite that bad, but I do have several things to do. I will have my infusion at HHH at 11 a.m. then plans for a movie with Bonnie and Lois at 3:30 and this evening a Women's Club meeting. Somewhere inbetween that I'll go and get my fax sent. I have to go to Doug's office to do that.
Still no updates on my prayer list, but notice at the side of my page under my spot adopters I've started a list of those I'm praying if you see I've forgotten someone please let me know and I'll add them. Love and prayers, along with those Hugs and Kisses, m
Monday, February 13, 2012
Maybe Some Snow!
At least to the South....maybe see a flake or two up here in the northern suburbs. Weirdest winter I can remember. I dislike the brown grass!
I've been up since 7 a.m....actually the last 4 or 5 days I've been getting up a little after 7 a.m. which is really unusual for me....I like to sleep in....I'm a night person not a morning one...but obviously even though I got up at 7 a.m. I'm not writing this till now.
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly busy day for me....I went to church and came home to make myself breakfast (none of my friends were there to go out for breakfast with) but I had the ingredients for a great mushroom and spinach omelet. As I was eating, Bill drove up and came to get tables and chairs for a pasta party for the Nordic ski team at their house. So we proceeded to visit and get caught up on what they and Katie and Tommy have been up to since before I went on vacation.
Funny, as I write this blog and some of them read it daily and know what I'm doing, I don't get much information on what the family is doing unless I see something on Facebook or they happen to drop by....or I need them for something.
Then I did a little shopping, got a few new things for my trip...but will go out again today shopping as I still have 3 presents to buy...I didn't get them anything yesterday.
From there I went to watch Matthew play hockey....he's on a Mites league, and then don't have a it's pretty fun to watch. I was amazed at how much he and the others have improved since I saw them before Christmas. I even got to see him score a couple of goals. Even though they weren't keeping score, I think Matthews team had more goals than their opponents. Annie and I got to visit too, so then I got caught up on a little of Nicole and Allies lives too!
I came home and spent the evening watching the Grammys and all the tributes to Whitney Houston.
No updates on my list of prayer needs. So please just keep up the prayers of all those in need. Love and prayers, m
I've been up since 7 a.m....actually the last 4 or 5 days I've been getting up a little after 7 a.m. which is really unusual for me....I like to sleep in....I'm a night person not a morning one...but obviously even though I got up at 7 a.m. I'm not writing this till now.
Yesterday turned out to be a fairly busy day for me....I went to church and came home to make myself breakfast (none of my friends were there to go out for breakfast with) but I had the ingredients for a great mushroom and spinach omelet. As I was eating, Bill drove up and came to get tables and chairs for a pasta party for the Nordic ski team at their house. So we proceeded to visit and get caught up on what they and Katie and Tommy have been up to since before I went on vacation.
Funny, as I write this blog and some of them read it daily and know what I'm doing, I don't get much information on what the family is doing unless I see something on Facebook or they happen to drop by....or I need them for something.
Then I did a little shopping, got a few new things for my trip...but will go out again today shopping as I still have 3 presents to buy...I didn't get them anything yesterday.
From there I went to watch Matthew play hockey....he's on a Mites league, and then don't have a it's pretty fun to watch. I was amazed at how much he and the others have improved since I saw them before Christmas. I even got to see him score a couple of goals. Even though they weren't keeping score, I think Matthews team had more goals than their opponents. Annie and I got to visit too, so then I got caught up on a little of Nicole and Allies lives too!
I came home and spent the evening watching the Grammys and all the tributes to Whitney Houston.
No updates on my list of prayer needs. So please just keep up the prayers of all those in need. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Cold this Morning, but Warm 30's Coming!
30's sounds good right now! Had another nice night of sleep. It is so good not to be getting up every hour to go to the bathroom.....or at least I'd do so that just cause I thought then I'd be able to go back to sleep.
I never even got dressed yesterday....not that I didn't do anything, I just never left the house. I really got a lot done. I made my whole memory book for the trip. It really turned out nice. I used a bigger album then I made for the others, and it had twice as many pages, so I wrote a diary for each day so that I could paste that in for each couple pages of pictures so anyone who looks at it will know what the pictures are of. Then I cleaned up all the crafting stuff....organizing it and putting it all a way. I even took down the card table from the middle of my living room.
Don't know what I'll do today. I do have to get ready for church, and get going right now. I think I might do some shopping....have two birthdays in March while I'm gone. Also Happy Anniversary to Tom and Karen today, and Happy Birthday to cousins Janet and Christine. Busy day for celebrations! I'm heading for the shower....Love and Prayers, m
I never even got dressed yesterday....not that I didn't do anything, I just never left the house. I really got a lot done. I made my whole memory book for the trip. It really turned out nice. I used a bigger album then I made for the others, and it had twice as many pages, so I wrote a diary for each day so that I could paste that in for each couple pages of pictures so anyone who looks at it will know what the pictures are of. Then I cleaned up all the crafting stuff....organizing it and putting it all a way. I even took down the card table from the middle of my living room.
Don't know what I'll do today. I do have to get ready for church, and get going right now. I think I might do some shopping....have two birthdays in March while I'm gone. Also Happy Anniversary to Tom and Karen today, and Happy Birthday to cousins Janet and Christine. Busy day for celebrations! I'm heading for the shower....Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Sunny and Frosty
When I got up this morning the temp said 1 degree above zero, and now it is up to 3. Don't have any plans for being out in it, but was in and out of the cold and wind yesterday a lot.
I had a good night sleep again last night....and that was preceded by a good evening. I started out the evening with dinner with my First Friday group and all 6 of us were there...the only bad part of the dinner, was that it was so loud and the acoustics were terrible (3 Squares in Maple Grove). So the conversation was a little hard to hear....the food however was very good.
From there I went to my niece's to see Bill and Carol (my brother and sister-in-law) They moved to Florida when they retired....or semi retired....and this has been the first time they were able to be here together. They each have made trips back to MN individually, but someone always had to stay home and take care of all the birds they have. Now they have a lady that has boarded 2 birds at their home who was willing to come and stay at their house and birdsit for them. Had a great time visiting with them, Carols brother and his wife, and an old friend of Bills and Carols as well as Carrie and Jason. We ended up telling lots of stories about how Carol met Bill, skipping school, parties and weddings we went too etc. Lots of great memories...and sometimes maybe more information than Carrie wanted to Her brother was also surprised to hear we skipped school and Carol would write both of our excuses to turn into the Principles office....she could copy both of our mothers handwriting beautifully. She still has a beautiful handwriting.
They leave again on Monday, so all though Carol has been here for a month helping Carrie with the two babies, Bill only gets a few days to love up those babies as this is the first time he's actually been able to see them in person.
Got all my errands done yesterday but it involved a lot more stops then I thought....Gas at Costco....pick up pictures at Costco....Walgreen's for Valentine candy....Target for some more to make a deposit of a check I got in the mail before I left....and finally Health Partners to pick up those giant potassium pills I now have to take twice a day. Then I came home and filled all the Valentine bags for the grandkids and got ready for dinner.
After going to Qigong for the last couple of months on and off, I can say that my aches and pains have completely gone....I'm not taking any pain meds's amazing. That's my health update. But don't have much to report on any of the others on my list but would like you to continue to pray for all on my list. I always appreciate the prayers for me as well. Love and prayers, m
I had a good night sleep again last night....and that was preceded by a good evening. I started out the evening with dinner with my First Friday group and all 6 of us were there...the only bad part of the dinner, was that it was so loud and the acoustics were terrible (3 Squares in Maple Grove). So the conversation was a little hard to hear....the food however was very good.
From there I went to my niece's to see Bill and Carol (my brother and sister-in-law) They moved to Florida when they retired....or semi retired....and this has been the first time they were able to be here together. They each have made trips back to MN individually, but someone always had to stay home and take care of all the birds they have. Now they have a lady that has boarded 2 birds at their home who was willing to come and stay at their house and birdsit for them. Had a great time visiting with them, Carols brother and his wife, and an old friend of Bills and Carols as well as Carrie and Jason. We ended up telling lots of stories about how Carol met Bill, skipping school, parties and weddings we went too etc. Lots of great memories...and sometimes maybe more information than Carrie wanted to Her brother was also surprised to hear we skipped school and Carol would write both of our excuses to turn into the Principles office....she could copy both of our mothers handwriting beautifully. She still has a beautiful handwriting.
They leave again on Monday, so all though Carol has been here for a month helping Carrie with the two babies, Bill only gets a few days to love up those babies as this is the first time he's actually been able to see them in person.
Got all my errands done yesterday but it involved a lot more stops then I thought....Gas at Costco....pick up pictures at Costco....Walgreen's for Valentine candy....Target for some more to make a deposit of a check I got in the mail before I left....and finally Health Partners to pick up those giant potassium pills I now have to take twice a day. Then I came home and filled all the Valentine bags for the grandkids and got ready for dinner.
After going to Qigong for the last couple of months on and off, I can say that my aches and pains have completely gone....I'm not taking any pain meds's amazing. That's my health update. But don't have much to report on any of the others on my list but would like you to continue to pray for all on my list. I always appreciate the prayers for me as well. Love and prayers, m
Friday, February 10, 2012
Gloomy Cold Morning!
Back to the reality that this is February in Minnesota. But I had a great night sleep....only woke up once to go to the bathroom....kind of a record for me. I don't remember the last time I slept that well.
I went and got unplugged yesterday at noon, and then did a few errands on my way home, and then shortly thereafter went to Sheila's for Qigong. I can't tell you how good I feel when I leave her home. The power of prayer is great! I hope the love I receive from all of you is returned fore fold.
When I got back home I finally sat down and made my Valentines....hopefully putting all the love I receive back into those little pieces of paper. Later I got some ready for mailing and also prepared a couple of my memory books to put in the mail, a birthday card and a Sympathy card for a father of a man I worked with at the college. So by the time I went to bed I felt really good about all of that.
I also got a call after dinner from Carol (my sister-in-law) and she reported that my brother had arrived from Florida, and successfully pulled off the surprise for their daughter Carrie. It is the first time he has seen (other than the pictures Carrie sent regularly) and held either of his beautiful granddaughters. Then later they called back and invited me to come to see him at Carries this evening. I already have a dinner date with the First Friday group, but I'll go from dinner in Maple Grove to New Hope to see Bill and Carol, Jason, Carrie and the babies. I'm really looking forward to that!
So today I have a few more errands to picking up a prescription for Potasium that Londer's office called and said that it was barely low, but he wanted me to get the pills going again....I was on Potasium last summer. I also have to go to Costco and pick up some more copies of some of my vacation pictures, so I can make my own memory book. That's about all for today. Please remember all those I've asked for prayers and say a few for me too! Love and prayers, m
I went and got unplugged yesterday at noon, and then did a few errands on my way home, and then shortly thereafter went to Sheila's for Qigong. I can't tell you how good I feel when I leave her home. The power of prayer is great! I hope the love I receive from all of you is returned fore fold.
When I got back home I finally sat down and made my Valentines....hopefully putting all the love I receive back into those little pieces of paper. Later I got some ready for mailing and also prepared a couple of my memory books to put in the mail, a birthday card and a Sympathy card for a father of a man I worked with at the college. So by the time I went to bed I felt really good about all of that.
I also got a call after dinner from Carol (my sister-in-law) and she reported that my brother had arrived from Florida, and successfully pulled off the surprise for their daughter Carrie. It is the first time he has seen (other than the pictures Carrie sent regularly) and held either of his beautiful granddaughters. Then later they called back and invited me to come to see him at Carries this evening. I already have a dinner date with the First Friday group, but I'll go from dinner in Maple Grove to New Hope to see Bill and Carol, Jason, Carrie and the babies. I'm really looking forward to that!
So today I have a few more errands to picking up a prescription for Potasium that Londer's office called and said that it was barely low, but he wanted me to get the pills going again....I was on Potasium last summer. I also have to go to Costco and pick up some more copies of some of my vacation pictures, so I can make my own memory book. That's about all for today. Please remember all those I've asked for prayers and say a few for me too! Love and prayers, m
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 3 - Unplugged!
The sun is shining again this morning, and I had a good night of sleep....only awake for about an hour from 3:30-4:30 a.m. So I did some praying and made good use of my non-sleeping.
I did get a visit from Bonnie yesterday and gave her the memory book from the trip I made. She will be back in town next Monday for a doctors appointment, and we talked about maybe seeing a movie next week. I'll have to start figuring out what to see.
I said I was going to make Valentines, and I started pulling out all the things I needed and that took a lot longer than I thought it would...I wanted to stamp some of the Valentines, and going through the boxes of stamps picking out the Valentine related sayings and hearts etc...Well that took a really long time, then I started going through my paper stash, and picked out the red and pink paper and the envelops stash, and then a bag of foam hearts etc....and I ended up with a mountain of ingredients on a card table in the middle of my living room, and then the phone rang and I tripped over the leg of the table and knocked a 1/2 glass of water into the middle of all that. It was Aunt Loretta, and I made her hang-on while I ran to the kitchen to get a pile of paper towels and sponges to mop up the mess...but the good Lord was there and not one piece of paper got ruined....I couldn't believe it.
I talked to Loretta for about 1/2 hour, and by then it was time to start dinner, and I made a new recipe for chicken pot pie that Rachel Rae had sent online, and I had all the ingredients except the french bread she put on top, and I substituted crescent rolls rolled out flat, then brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. It really turned out good. I'll make it again. Don't know if I'd have liked it as well with the french bread on top.
Anyway to make a long story shorter...I didn't make one Valentine...after the spill I just lost the mood. So maybe I'll go back to it this morning....I really need my granddaughter Kennedy here to help me....I miss being in Chicago making Valentines each year. Kennedy would always love doing crafts and we'd decorate the house and make Valentine place-mats etc. Lots of fun memories.
Didn't get many updates of my list of cancer fighters, but did hear from cousin Ginny that she is half way through her radiation after her mastectomy. She reports she is doing well. She is doctoring in Monticello, the same as Mary Scheiber, and the same group of doctors I go to at HHH Cancer Center and North Memorial Hospital. But neither of them have my doctor as he specialized in colorectal cancer.
Today I go and get unplugged at noon, and then this afternoon I get to go see Sheila Judd for another Qigong session....I'm really looking forward to that.
I read my cousin Louie's caringbridge blog this morning before writing mine, and he ended by saying how blessed he was by the caring loving people that God has dropped into his life. He commented earlier in the blog that he had had breakfast with a old classmate from grade school and how invigorated he was by the visit...and I guess people always are what light my fire or fuel my heart. And I too am so blessed by the caring loving people that God has dropped into my life. Thank you all so much. Love and prayers, m
I did get a visit from Bonnie yesterday and gave her the memory book from the trip I made. She will be back in town next Monday for a doctors appointment, and we talked about maybe seeing a movie next week. I'll have to start figuring out what to see.
I said I was going to make Valentines, and I started pulling out all the things I needed and that took a lot longer than I thought it would...I wanted to stamp some of the Valentines, and going through the boxes of stamps picking out the Valentine related sayings and hearts etc...Well that took a really long time, then I started going through my paper stash, and picked out the red and pink paper and the envelops stash, and then a bag of foam hearts etc....and I ended up with a mountain of ingredients on a card table in the middle of my living room, and then the phone rang and I tripped over the leg of the table and knocked a 1/2 glass of water into the middle of all that. It was Aunt Loretta, and I made her hang-on while I ran to the kitchen to get a pile of paper towels and sponges to mop up the mess...but the good Lord was there and not one piece of paper got ruined....I couldn't believe it.
I talked to Loretta for about 1/2 hour, and by then it was time to start dinner, and I made a new recipe for chicken pot pie that Rachel Rae had sent online, and I had all the ingredients except the french bread she put on top, and I substituted crescent rolls rolled out flat, then brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. It really turned out good. I'll make it again. Don't know if I'd have liked it as well with the french bread on top.
Anyway to make a long story shorter...I didn't make one Valentine...after the spill I just lost the mood. So maybe I'll go back to it this morning....I really need my granddaughter Kennedy here to help me....I miss being in Chicago making Valentines each year. Kennedy would always love doing crafts and we'd decorate the house and make Valentine place-mats etc. Lots of fun memories.
Didn't get many updates of my list of cancer fighters, but did hear from cousin Ginny that she is half way through her radiation after her mastectomy. She reports she is doing well. She is doctoring in Monticello, the same as Mary Scheiber, and the same group of doctors I go to at HHH Cancer Center and North Memorial Hospital. But neither of them have my doctor as he specialized in colorectal cancer.
Today I go and get unplugged at noon, and then this afternoon I get to go see Sheila Judd for another Qigong session....I'm really looking forward to that.
I read my cousin Louie's caringbridge blog this morning before writing mine, and he ended by saying how blessed he was by the caring loving people that God has dropped into his life. He commented earlier in the blog that he had had breakfast with a old classmate from grade school and how invigorated he was by the visit...and I guess people always are what light my fire or fuel my heart. And I too am so blessed by the caring loving people that God has dropped into my life. Thank you all so much. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 2 and the Sun is Shining
I had the crappy night the first night of chemo gives me, combined with card club and all the conversations rocking in my head. I couldn't even calm my mind down to meditate more than a minute at a time. I tried several times. I also had taken a 2 hour nap after I got home from chemo at 3 yesterday afternoon.
My day started out terrible after writing my blog, I got ready to go to my chemo appointment, and walked out of the house at 8:30 and got in the car....reaching for my keys in my pocket as usual...but they weren't there....OMG I left them in the ignition after rolling up the window the afternoon the on position of course....and the battery was as dead as a doornail. What to do?....I went in the house and called the neighbor LaVonne who had driven me to chemo the first round...and why the window was down on Monday....cause I was talking to her in her driveway....anyway, I asked her if she would drive me over to HHH, and she was still in bed and said it would take her awhile to get ready, but I should just take her car...after a quick thought about that....I agreed, and ran across the street where she was standing at the back door with the keys in her hand. After a few minutes of directions on how to move the seat etc....I was on my way and only got to HHH 5 minutes late...however my blood pressure was sky high by then, causing them to take it several times during the day, it did continually drop, but still wasn't in the normal range when I left so they will check it again tomorrow when I get unhooked, but I think if was the start of the day that did it.
I did call Jimbo and Doug after I got to HHH and asked them to either charge my battery or whatever they needed to do. I now have a new battery (thanks Jimbo) and it was covered under my no charge....thanks again!!!
The day proceeded with Judy coming late as well, as she got lost, taking the wrong exit off the freeway. Then we played cribbage and each of us won one game and then didn't finish the third and I can't remember who was ahead. But we did have fun and enjoyed seeing each other and talking about my trip and her happenings in the last couple of weeks since I saw her.
Cards started out with health updates, and one I had forgotten to mention in my blog that on Friday when we arrived in Myrtle Beach that Cindy Nutter's daughter Angela had had a stroke, and Cindy also told us that Nancy Elk's daughter (Nancy a counselor at ARCC) had a heart attack. Both women are in their 30's. So prayers for them.
Lois emailed me yesterday morning with an update on Sharon saying she was handling the chemo well, but that she had been to the doctor on Monday afternoon and has Whooping cough and is quarantined for 5 days, and she and Ken are both on antibiotics. Since this is very contagious and has a 21 day incubation period I told Dr. Londer, and he said if I have any signs of this I should let them know immediately. Funny thing is Cindy was telling us that Lois said it started with sneezing on the trip....but Cindy said snizeling instead of sneezing and we are watching out for that, whatever it is.
Besides all of them Sonya Driste is still waiting for the doctors to get back to her, but has decided to go through with the surgery needed. Lottie Virnig is still fighting the demons of her anxiety. Lori Haugen, (Ann's sister) has a consult with the gynecological oncologist on Feb. 17th. Louie has started some PT and OT and an unnamed person has come up with money to help him get as much as he needs, as the copay is $100 for each OT and PT session per day, and they suggested he do two days a week, because of that had decided to try and do only 1 each day. Now he can do it all, and it has already started to improve his mobility.
I think that is the medical updates so please pray for all of them, and the others I've missed naming.
Today, I think Bonnie will be stopping by on her way back to Emily, and then I think I'll make my Valentines. Love and prayers, m
My day started out terrible after writing my blog, I got ready to go to my chemo appointment, and walked out of the house at 8:30 and got in the car....reaching for my keys in my pocket as usual...but they weren't there....OMG I left them in the ignition after rolling up the window the afternoon the on position of course....and the battery was as dead as a doornail. What to do?....I went in the house and called the neighbor LaVonne who had driven me to chemo the first round...and why the window was down on Monday....cause I was talking to her in her driveway....anyway, I asked her if she would drive me over to HHH, and she was still in bed and said it would take her awhile to get ready, but I should just take her car...after a quick thought about that....I agreed, and ran across the street where she was standing at the back door with the keys in her hand. After a few minutes of directions on how to move the seat etc....I was on my way and only got to HHH 5 minutes late...however my blood pressure was sky high by then, causing them to take it several times during the day, it did continually drop, but still wasn't in the normal range when I left so they will check it again tomorrow when I get unhooked, but I think if was the start of the day that did it.
I did call Jimbo and Doug after I got to HHH and asked them to either charge my battery or whatever they needed to do. I now have a new battery (thanks Jimbo) and it was covered under my no charge....thanks again!!!
The day proceeded with Judy coming late as well, as she got lost, taking the wrong exit off the freeway. Then we played cribbage and each of us won one game and then didn't finish the third and I can't remember who was ahead. But we did have fun and enjoyed seeing each other and talking about my trip and her happenings in the last couple of weeks since I saw her.
Cards started out with health updates, and one I had forgotten to mention in my blog that on Friday when we arrived in Myrtle Beach that Cindy Nutter's daughter Angela had had a stroke, and Cindy also told us that Nancy Elk's daughter (Nancy a counselor at ARCC) had a heart attack. Both women are in their 30's. So prayers for them.
Lois emailed me yesterday morning with an update on Sharon saying she was handling the chemo well, but that she had been to the doctor on Monday afternoon and has Whooping cough and is quarantined for 5 days, and she and Ken are both on antibiotics. Since this is very contagious and has a 21 day incubation period I told Dr. Londer, and he said if I have any signs of this I should let them know immediately. Funny thing is Cindy was telling us that Lois said it started with sneezing on the trip....but Cindy said snizeling instead of sneezing and we are watching out for that, whatever it is.
Besides all of them Sonya Driste is still waiting for the doctors to get back to her, but has decided to go through with the surgery needed. Lottie Virnig is still fighting the demons of her anxiety. Lori Haugen, (Ann's sister) has a consult with the gynecological oncologist on Feb. 17th. Louie has started some PT and OT and an unnamed person has come up with money to help him get as much as he needs, as the copay is $100 for each OT and PT session per day, and they suggested he do two days a week, because of that had decided to try and do only 1 each day. Now he can do it all, and it has already started to improve his mobility.
I think that is the medical updates so please pray for all of them, and the others I've missed naming.
Today, I think Bonnie will be stopping by on her way back to Emily, and then I think I'll make my Valentines. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 1 Round 3
Cousin Judy will meet me today at HHH and sit with me while I get my chemo. I've packed the cribbage board, and hope I have some luck at winning...of course Judy hopes to win too, so we'll see how that goes. I did get some practice winning and losing last week with Twylla on our trip. As for the chemo, I usually handle it quite well, and I have only had a few outbreaks of acne like spots on my face. My skin has become a lot dryer, and I'm using more lotion all the time....but other than that I'm doing fine.
I have card club this evening, so I may have to come home and take a nap first. I don't have to drive Sandi is picking me up, and none of us are real serious about the games, so I think I'll do okay.
Yesterday had lunch with the retiree's (no wannabee's there) and was able to give Twylla the photo memory book I made for her. I'll give Lois her's this evening, and Bonnie said she'll stop in tomorrow on her way back to Emily to get hers. I guess I'll have to put Norma's in the mail.
At the lunch I got updated on Sharon, who had started chemo on Sunday. It will be a 3 day regimen every 21 days, and they will try a trial drug if the first doesn't work after 3 months or so. Lottie is having lots of problems with anxiety and stress from the chemo and needs lots of prayers. I haven't heard yet what the plans are for Lori, but am pretty sure a hysterectomy will be done soon. Please keep all of them in your prayers, and all the rest of my list which seems to be growing steadily.
I guess I better get dressed and on my way. Love and prayers, m
I have card club this evening, so I may have to come home and take a nap first. I don't have to drive Sandi is picking me up, and none of us are real serious about the games, so I think I'll do okay.
Yesterday had lunch with the retiree's (no wannabee's there) and was able to give Twylla the photo memory book I made for her. I'll give Lois her's this evening, and Bonnie said she'll stop in tomorrow on her way back to Emily to get hers. I guess I'll have to put Norma's in the mail.
At the lunch I got updated on Sharon, who had started chemo on Sunday. It will be a 3 day regimen every 21 days, and they will try a trial drug if the first doesn't work after 3 months or so. Lottie is having lots of problems with anxiety and stress from the chemo and needs lots of prayers. I haven't heard yet what the plans are for Lori, but am pretty sure a hysterectomy will be done soon. Please keep all of them in your prayers, and all the rest of my list which seems to be growing steadily.
I guess I better get dressed and on my way. Love and prayers, m
Monday, February 6, 2012
Love the Sunshiney Morning!
You know I always feel so much better when I wake to sunshine. Funny thing is I woke with a backache this morning....I must have slept wrong....I didn't have it when I went to bed. Hopefully it is short lived.
I did stay home and watch the Superbowl last night, I did have an invitation to go to Bill and Kim's, but started working on a project, and decided I would finish it. I put together 4 photo albums for the women I traveled with last week. I think they turned out pretty cute, and now I want to do one for me too!
I have plans to go to lunch today with the retirees and wannabees, and that's about all for the day. Oh, I do have a few errands to run. I have to pick up a prescription, and I have to get my license tabs.
I got a very sad email from my son Jimbo yesterday. Ann's sister Lori has been diagnosed with a leiomyosarcoma. In layman's terms, that is cancer in the lining of the uterus or fibroid. This is very rare only 1% of fibroids are cancerous, and happens to be the cancer I was first diagnosed with in 1995. The good news is I'm still here to talk about that gives me hope for Lori as well. Treatments have come so far in the last 17 years. So, please say lots of prayers for Lori. Sharon, Lotti and DuWayne, and Sonja are all going through some hard times too. My cousins Louie, Judy, Ginny and others continue to be on my list.
well must get busy and enjoy that sun while I can. Love and prayers, m
I did stay home and watch the Superbowl last night, I did have an invitation to go to Bill and Kim's, but started working on a project, and decided I would finish it. I put together 4 photo albums for the women I traveled with last week. I think they turned out pretty cute, and now I want to do one for me too!
I have plans to go to lunch today with the retirees and wannabees, and that's about all for the day. Oh, I do have a few errands to run. I have to pick up a prescription, and I have to get my license tabs.
I got a very sad email from my son Jimbo yesterday. Ann's sister Lori has been diagnosed with a leiomyosarcoma. In layman's terms, that is cancer in the lining of the uterus or fibroid. This is very rare only 1% of fibroids are cancerous, and happens to be the cancer I was first diagnosed with in 1995. The good news is I'm still here to talk about that gives me hope for Lori as well. Treatments have come so far in the last 17 years. So, please say lots of prayers for Lori. Sharon, Lotti and DuWayne, and Sonja are all going through some hard times too. My cousins Louie, Judy, Ginny and others continue to be on my list.
well must get busy and enjoy that sun while I can. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, February 5, 2012
SuperBowl Sunday
I guess I don't have a favorite for the game today....will watch for the commercials and the entertainment.
For some reason I got into a cleaning mode yesterday. After finishing my taxes, I went through all my files, and moved some into permanent files and ended up shredding a lot of stuff and just throwing away a full grocery bag of stuff that didn't need to be shredded. Then I headed to the basement and did two loads of clothes. Emptied my suitcase and put away everything.
After that I went shopping and bought the Ink I needed for the printer and then bought myself a new shredder. Today I'll find some stuff to shred in that. Then I went to JoAnns and picked up some things I needed, Walgreens and home.
No updates on anyone I'm praying for, but will say a few extra prayers this morning at church. It's time to get in the shower. Love and prayers, m
For some reason I got into a cleaning mode yesterday. After finishing my taxes, I went through all my files, and moved some into permanent files and ended up shredding a lot of stuff and just throwing away a full grocery bag of stuff that didn't need to be shredded. Then I headed to the basement and did two loads of clothes. Emptied my suitcase and put away everything.
After that I went shopping and bought the Ink I needed for the printer and then bought myself a new shredder. Today I'll find some stuff to shred in that. Then I went to JoAnns and picked up some things I needed, Walgreens and home.
No updates on anyone I'm praying for, but will say a few extra prayers this morning at church. It's time to get in the shower. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Foggy Morning
That's how my brain feels too! I don't like morning to begin with, but this is ridiculous.
Didn't do a lot yesterday, but did get my pictures printed and picked up. Did some grocery shopping, went to the bank, and the most important was getting my taxes done. I thought last night that I would just start putting in the information I had already put together, and all of a sudden I was completing it. I guess it was about 10 p.m. when I printed it all out (109 pages) and finally sent it efile at around 10:30 p.m. Unlike last year, I'm actually getting a refund. Last year I owed big time as I cashed some things in to build the addition. So it was time well spent!! It will be money I can use for my trip to SLC and Sedona.
Today, I may do a little shopping....I need printer ink after that big printout last night. I also think I will buy a new shredder, mine stops during each page to rest. I also will finish filing away all those things I keep for the year's records. That should keep me busy for a few hours.
Got word last night that Sharon (Lois's daughter) has Stage IV Cervical cancer. Not great news, and incurable according to the American Cancer website. So please keep her in your prayers. They may start the chemo as soon as today. Lottie is doing a little better with her new medication she got the other day. I don't have any updates on anyone else, but I'm sure they all need your prayers.
As for me, I'm doing fine....have round 3 of chemo on Tuesday....cousin Judy is going to spend the day with me. Cribbage may be on the docket. Love and Prayers, m
Didn't do a lot yesterday, but did get my pictures printed and picked up. Did some grocery shopping, went to the bank, and the most important was getting my taxes done. I thought last night that I would just start putting in the information I had already put together, and all of a sudden I was completing it. I guess it was about 10 p.m. when I printed it all out (109 pages) and finally sent it efile at around 10:30 p.m. Unlike last year, I'm actually getting a refund. Last year I owed big time as I cashed some things in to build the addition. So it was time well spent!! It will be money I can use for my trip to SLC and Sedona.
Today, I may do a little shopping....I need printer ink after that big printout last night. I also think I will buy a new shredder, mine stops during each page to rest. I also will finish filing away all those things I keep for the year's records. That should keep me busy for a few hours.
Got word last night that Sharon (Lois's daughter) has Stage IV Cervical cancer. Not great news, and incurable according to the American Cancer website. So please keep her in your prayers. They may start the chemo as soon as today. Lottie is doing a little better with her new medication she got the other day. I don't have any updates on anyone else, but I'm sure they all need your prayers.
As for me, I'm doing fine....have round 3 of chemo on Tuesday....cousin Judy is going to spend the day with me. Cribbage may be on the docket. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, February 3, 2012
I'm Back!!
I was hoping to bring the Sun back with me, but so far this morning, I don't see it!
I've had a wonderful week. Myrtle Beach was fantastic, the weather, the accommodations in a fabulous spacious timeshare, the food, and especially the wonderful women I traveled with.
We rode a 20 story Ferris wheel, walked and shopped the Boardwalk, saw a great show at the Carolina Opry, spent a day in Historic Charleston, and a day on a Casino boat that took us 5 miles out into the ocean and let us gamble and eat a great buffet. (and a couple of us won too!)
The week flew by, and the sunshine did wonders for my soul. The only bad part of the week was, the news about Lois's daughter. On Friday and Saturday nights, Sharon her husband Bill and Lois's grandson TJ had stayed with us at the timeshare, on their way back to Connecticut from their timeshare in Florida. Sharon stayed in bed most of the weekend, thinking she had a Kidney stone and a prolapsed Uterus and after being to urgent care twice in the previous week. She was taking strong doses of pain killers and slept most of the time. So when they left on Sunday morning, they were driving 14 hours straight through to home, and on Monday morning Bill took her to the ER, and after a CTscan gave them the bad news that they thought it was ovarian cancer that had already metastasized to the kidney and lungs. They then transferred her to the Women's and Infants Hospital about an hour away....I can't remember which town....but they have doctors who specialize in this kind of stuff. They did more tests and a biopsy (waiting for the results on that) but so far have decided it was not operable and are waiting for the results on the biopsy to determine what kind of cancer it is, and where to go from here. It could be cervical, uterine, or ovarian. The first day she was in ER her blood was so low, they had to give her a transfusion, and with that and the other things they have done, she is doing pretty well considering. Lois has gotten to talk with her each day, and most of the family has done that as well. Being in Connecticut and most of the family in MN or near by in WI is hard. I continue to ask for your prayers for Sharon and all the family worried about her.
I also need prayers for Lottie who is having high amounts of anxiety with her chemo, and Sonja with the decisions she needs to make about her treatment, as well as all the others I have on my list.
A big thank you for all the prayers that made my trip so fantastic, and the relief I've had from most all my back pains. I've stopped taking all the drugs for it!! I'm sure the Qigong has helped in a big way in that matter, and I thank you for letting Sheila and the Qigong work so well on me.
Well, I guess that is enough for today....bring on the Sun!! Love and prayers, m
I've had a wonderful week. Myrtle Beach was fantastic, the weather, the accommodations in a fabulous spacious timeshare, the food, and especially the wonderful women I traveled with.
We rode a 20 story Ferris wheel, walked and shopped the Boardwalk, saw a great show at the Carolina Opry, spent a day in Historic Charleston, and a day on a Casino boat that took us 5 miles out into the ocean and let us gamble and eat a great buffet. (and a couple of us won too!)
The week flew by, and the sunshine did wonders for my soul. The only bad part of the week was, the news about Lois's daughter. On Friday and Saturday nights, Sharon her husband Bill and Lois's grandson TJ had stayed with us at the timeshare, on their way back to Connecticut from their timeshare in Florida. Sharon stayed in bed most of the weekend, thinking she had a Kidney stone and a prolapsed Uterus and after being to urgent care twice in the previous week. She was taking strong doses of pain killers and slept most of the time. So when they left on Sunday morning, they were driving 14 hours straight through to home, and on Monday morning Bill took her to the ER, and after a CTscan gave them the bad news that they thought it was ovarian cancer that had already metastasized to the kidney and lungs. They then transferred her to the Women's and Infants Hospital about an hour away....I can't remember which town....but they have doctors who specialize in this kind of stuff. They did more tests and a biopsy (waiting for the results on that) but so far have decided it was not operable and are waiting for the results on the biopsy to determine what kind of cancer it is, and where to go from here. It could be cervical, uterine, or ovarian. The first day she was in ER her blood was so low, they had to give her a transfusion, and with that and the other things they have done, she is doing pretty well considering. Lois has gotten to talk with her each day, and most of the family has done that as well. Being in Connecticut and most of the family in MN or near by in WI is hard. I continue to ask for your prayers for Sharon and all the family worried about her.
I also need prayers for Lottie who is having high amounts of anxiety with her chemo, and Sonja with the decisions she needs to make about her treatment, as well as all the others I have on my list.
A big thank you for all the prayers that made my trip so fantastic, and the relief I've had from most all my back pains. I've stopped taking all the drugs for it!! I'm sure the Qigong has helped in a big way in that matter, and I thank you for letting Sheila and the Qigong work so well on me.
Well, I guess that is enough for today....bring on the Sun!! Love and prayers, m
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