Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Little Grey Right Now

But I'm sure the sun will come out shortly.
Had a great day yesterday, We watched a PBS movie "South Riding"....well actually the last 2 segments...we had watched the first one the night before and couldn't wait to see what happened. Then Kathleen and I walked to the grocery store about two blocks away (they live right downtown in SLC so they can walk to most everything.
After that Gary started preparing for the cooking school he was presenting to 8 of us. Their party room has a small kitchen with a nice counter that we could stand in front of and watch as he walked us through how to use a pressure cooker and then proceeded to make 4 different dishes in a mater of a half hour we had two fantastic soups, and then two different main courses (one chicken and one beef based) and rosoto to boot. Kathleen had made a appetizer and a spinach and strawberry salad, and one of the other women brought some crackers and a Italian olive, eggplant, pepper spread as well. Then to top it all off we had brownies and gelato for dessert. What a great meal.
The other couples were also interested in the cooking and one even brought her own pressure cooker that she had only used once (like me) and we all left the evening sure we would be using our pressure cookers a lot more.
Not only was the food good, but the friends of Kathleen and Gary were so nice and we had great conversations about traveling etc. I felt right at home with them all.
Today we will have another couple over this afternoon to play board games, and then we will watch the Academy Awards. So it should be a another good day.
I'm feeling great, sleeping great, and I heard from cousin Ginny Martinson, that she will have her last radiation treatment for her breast cancer on Monday. She says she is doing well too.
So that's another big Thank You to God for prayers answered.
As for me and all the others on my list, we'll take all we can get. Love and prayers, m

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