Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 2 and the Sun is Shining

I had the crappy night the first night of chemo gives me, combined with card club and all the conversations rocking in my head. I couldn't even calm my mind down to meditate more than a minute at a time. I tried several times. I also had taken a 2 hour nap after I got home from chemo at 3 yesterday afternoon.
My day started out terrible after writing my blog, I got ready to go to my chemo appointment, and walked out of the house at 8:30 and got in the car....reaching for my keys in my pocket as usual...but they weren't there....OMG I left them in the ignition after rolling up the window the afternoon the on position of course....and the battery was as dead as a doornail. What to do?....I went in the house and called the neighbor LaVonne who had driven me to chemo the first round...and why the window was down on Monday....cause I was talking to her in her driveway....anyway, I asked her if she would drive me over to HHH, and she was still in bed and said it would take her awhile to get ready, but I should just take her car...after a quick thought about that....I agreed, and ran across the street where she was standing at the back door with the keys in her hand. After a few minutes of directions on how to move the seat etc....I was on my way and only got to HHH 5 minutes late...however my blood pressure was sky high by then, causing them to take it several times during the day, it did continually drop, but still wasn't in the normal range when I left so they will check it again tomorrow when I get unhooked, but I think if was the start of the day that did it.
I did call Jimbo and Doug after I got to HHH and asked them to either charge my battery or whatever they needed to do. I now have a new battery (thanks Jimbo) and it was covered under my no charge....thanks again!!!
The day proceeded with Judy coming late as well, as she got lost, taking the wrong exit off the freeway. Then we played cribbage and each of us won one game and then didn't finish the third and I can't remember who was ahead. But we did have fun and enjoyed seeing each other and talking about my trip and her happenings in the last couple of weeks since I saw her.
Cards started out with health updates, and one I had forgotten to mention in my blog that on Friday when we arrived in Myrtle Beach that Cindy Nutter's daughter Angela had had a stroke, and Cindy also told us that Nancy Elk's daughter (Nancy a counselor at ARCC) had a heart attack. Both women are in their 30's. So prayers for them.
Lois emailed me yesterday morning with an update on Sharon saying she was handling the chemo well, but that she had been to the doctor on Monday afternoon and has Whooping cough and is quarantined for 5 days, and she and Ken are both on antibiotics. Since this is very contagious and has a 21 day incubation period I told Dr. Londer, and he said if I have any signs of this I should let them know immediately. Funny thing is Cindy was telling us that Lois said it started with sneezing on the trip....but Cindy said snizeling instead of sneezing and we are watching out for that, whatever it is.
Besides all of them Sonya Driste is still waiting for the doctors to get back to her, but has decided to go through with the surgery needed. Lottie Virnig is still fighting the demons of her anxiety. Lori Haugen, (Ann's sister) has a consult with the gynecological oncologist on Feb. 17th. Louie has started some PT and OT and an unnamed person has come up with money to help him get as much as he needs, as the copay is $100 for each OT and PT session per day, and they suggested he do two days a week, because of that had decided to try and do only 1 each day. Now he can do it all, and it has already started to improve his mobility.
I think that is the medical updates so please pray for all of them, and the others I've missed naming.
Today, I think Bonnie will be stopping by on her way back to Emily, and then I think I'll make my Valentines. Love and prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. My gosh! 2012 is not starting out very well healthwise for our friends and families. My heart goes out to all as well as my prayers.

