Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunny and Frosty

When I got up this morning the temp said 1 degree above zero, and now it is up to 3. Don't have any plans for being out in it, but was in and out of the cold and wind yesterday a lot.
I had a good night sleep again last night....and that was preceded by a good evening. I started out the evening with dinner with my First Friday group and all 6 of us were there...the only bad part of the dinner, was that it was so loud and the acoustics were terrible (3 Squares in Maple Grove). So the conversation was a little hard to hear....the food however was very good.
From there I went to my niece's to see Bill and Carol (my brother and sister-in-law) They moved to Florida when they retired....or semi retired....and this has been the first time they were able to be here together. They each have made trips back to MN individually, but someone always had to stay home and take care of all the birds they have. Now they have a lady that has boarded 2 birds at their home who was willing to come and stay at their house and birdsit for them. Had a great time visiting with them, Carols brother and his wife, and an old friend of Bills and Carols as well as Carrie and Jason. We ended up telling lots of stories about how Carol met Bill, skipping school, parties and weddings we went too etc. Lots of great memories...and sometimes maybe more information than Carrie wanted to Her brother was also surprised to hear we skipped school and Carol would write both of our excuses to turn into the Principles office....she could copy both of our mothers handwriting beautifully. She still has a beautiful handwriting.
They leave again on Monday, so all though Carol has been here for a month helping Carrie with the two babies, Bill only gets a few days to love up those babies as this is the first time he's actually been able to see them in person.
Got all my errands done yesterday but it involved a lot more stops then I thought....Gas at Costco....pick up pictures at Costco....Walgreen's for Valentine candy....Target for some more to make a deposit of a check I got in the mail before I left....and finally Health Partners to pick up those giant potassium pills I now have to take twice a day. Then I came home and filled all the Valentine bags for the grandkids and got ready for dinner.
After going to Qigong for the last couple of months on and off, I can say that my aches and pains have completely gone....I'm not taking any pain meds's amazing. That's my health update. But don't have much to report on any of the others on my list but would like you to continue to pray for all on my list. I always appreciate the prayers for me as well. Love and prayers, m

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