Friday, February 10, 2012

Gloomy Cold Morning!

Back to the reality that this is February in Minnesota. But I had a great night sleep....only woke up once to go to the bathroom....kind of a record for me. I don't remember the last time I slept that well.
I went and got unplugged yesterday at noon, and then did a few errands on my way home, and then shortly thereafter went to Sheila's for Qigong. I can't tell you how good I feel when I leave her home. The power of prayer is great! I hope the love I receive from all of you is returned fore fold.
When I got back home I finally sat down and made my Valentines....hopefully putting all the love I receive back into those little pieces of paper. Later I got some ready for mailing and also prepared a couple of my memory books to put in the mail, a birthday card and a Sympathy card for a father of a man I worked with at the college. So by the time I went to bed I felt really good about all of that.
I also got a call after dinner from Carol (my sister-in-law) and she reported that my brother had arrived from Florida, and successfully pulled off the surprise for their daughter Carrie. It is the first time he has seen (other than the pictures Carrie sent regularly) and held either of his beautiful granddaughters. Then later they called back and invited me to come to see him at Carries this evening. I already have a dinner date with the First Friday group, but I'll go from dinner in Maple Grove to New Hope to see Bill and Carol, Jason, Carrie and the babies. I'm really looking forward to that!
So today I have a few more errands to picking up a prescription for Potasium that Londer's office called and said that it was barely low, but he wanted me to get the pills going again....I was on Potasium last summer. I also have to go to Costco and pick up some more copies of some of my vacation pictures, so I can make my own memory book. That's about all for today. Please remember all those I've asked for prayers and say a few for me too! Love and prayers, m

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