It's changed from rain to furious foggy looking precipitation to a pretty constant snow fall here. It's even sticking to the ground on the grass...on the street it looks like it is melting.
Had a good nights sleep, only got up to the bathroom once and woke a few other times, but just turned over and went back to sleep. 7:15 Mountain time or whatever timezone this when I wake up each morning, or when I tend to get out of bed. I kinda wait till I hear Kathleen has the coffee ready, but usually by the time I do my qiqong exercises and take my pills and make the bed it's ready.
Yesterday, I did some reading and playing cribbage with Gary in the morning (of course he won) then after lunch I put my tennis shoes on and my new ipod, and Gary took me for his 1 hour hike about 3 miles in total. It's about 1 1/2 miles up the canyon out his back door and then down hill all the way back. Really not an extreme incline at any one spot but uphill. By the time we had maybe a half mile in, I asked how long we had been gone, and he said maybe 15 minutes....and I thought in my head...this feels like at least 1/2 hour...he kept encouraging me all along the way, and stopping and pointing out things to see and where he had seen fox and moose and different birds. (It so reminded me of the hikes we took when the kids were little, and Gene would keep encouraging Jimbo to keep walking so he wouldn't have to carry him.) He kept promising that there was a bench to sit on up ahead around the next corner....then the next etc. till we finally found it. Then he pointed out a red stop sign up ahead which was the top of the incline and that from that point on we would be going down hill, all the way to their condo building. We stopped and looked at houses pointing out the ones that he and Kathleen liked and had thought of buying over the years and houses that friends or business associates lived in and finally I made it back to the condo, nearly 2 hours later. My shins felt like I had shinsplints from the down hill, and my hips and butt ached from the uphill. Now this morning, my butt and hips felt like I was 100 years old...but as the morning has progressed, they are loosening up a bit and don't ache much. Anyway, I'm pleased for the snow, as I won't be walking again today...but I will go out again...I'm sure the next time will take a lot less time and I'll be handling it a lot better. Got to get into shape for some hikes in Sedona next week.
After our hike, we went back to playing "Onset" the marble game that I gave them for Christmas, and so far the only game that I have been able to beat him in....not consistently, but a few times at least. Then Kathleen came home from work and Gary proceeded to make us a wonderful meal, with squash and some leftover's from Saturday night. The acorn squash, he adorned with walnut oil, brown sugar, and butter before putting in the oven and we all were scrapping the bottom of the pan to get all the juices and caramelizing from it. They were fantastic.
After dinner we had thought of going to see Hugo, but it started playing at 6:30 and it was already 6:15, so that was out and the short documentary's were not showing till 9:30 and we didn't think we wanted to stay up that late, so we are hoping to go see something tonight instead....but so far we can't find Hugo playing anywhere. So anyway we decided to play the game we played on Sunday with their friends, and that was fun, and Kathleen won....not Gary!
To his defense, he only lost by one point!!
I got a very nice note from my cousins Ginny thanking all of you for your prayers, and so happy to be done with radiation. She is now a certified survivor!! Thank you all for your prayers for her and for me and all I keep requesting you pray for. Tomorrow is Lori Haugen's (Ann Kiecker's sister) surgery, so please remember to keep her and her family in your prayers.
Love and prayers, m
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