The morning looks warm, but I don't think it is...although it's early and I haven't been out yet. I just appreciate waking to sunshine.
Yesterday was a fun day, although it didn't go as I wrote that is was going to go. Kathleen and I went out to do some shopping, and started at what they call the DI (Dessert Industries) a Morman good will store. We each purchased $19 worth of stuff. Which was actually about 6 items each. Most blouses and shirts were $2 or $3 and I bought a spring jacket for $6. Was fun. Then we proceeded to Costco and ate samples and bought all the stuff Gary needed from there for the cooking class this evening. From there the liquor store for wine and then grocery store for the rest of the stuff that Gary had on his list. So a good day of shopping.
We came home and made a late lunch and then played some cribbage till dinner was ready...another great meal by Gary. I however have lost every game of cards I've played with either Kathleen or Gary since I got here. (Judy, somebody beats me even if you don't!)
After dinner we went to a unusual performance at the University of Utah, called Dual Ality, and it was about how computers are changing our life. Different but interesting as well. We even had to wear 3-D glasses. From there we came home to play more cards and more losses for me. But I'm getting good at drawing strange the looser always has to draw a picture for the winner. Last night I had to draw a chipmunk parachuting and something else just as strange but I've already forgot.
Today will be a little more quiet, although Kathleen and I do have to go back to the store for a couple of things we forgot....and Gary will be preparing for our cooking class and the large group of guests he's invited.
I'm feeling great, sleeping well and love being here. Love and prayers, m
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