The sun is shining and as you know....I really do feel so much better when it is. Without that sun I did have a good day yesterday....but it's always so much better with the sun.
Yesterday I went for my infusion at 11 a.m. thinking it would only take a couple of hours, but nobody was moving fast and I didn't get out of there till 2 p.m., so I didn't get home till almost 2:30 p.m.. I did get the book I was reading almost done, but still had another couple of pages to read....which I finished this morning. It was written by a local women about a family in South Minneapolis and Incarnation Catholic church in the 1960's. "Life on Pleasant" by Therese Dotray Tulloch. It was fun to read as I recognized all the places she talked about, and actually learned a lot of history about the area that even though I grew up there, didn't know.
Then I met Bonnie at the theatre to see "The Vow" and enjoyed that as well. A good show to see on Valentine's Day. Lois was supposed to meet us, but decided she better not skip her cardiac rehab session as she hadn't been for several weeks.
Didn't get home till almost 6 p.m., and had to eat dinner and go to the Women's Club meeting, where Lonnie McCauley was the guest speaker. She is the Executive Director of Stepping Stone, a place for homeless in Anoka County. Lonnie is a former neighbor of mine, a former member and president of the Women's Club, a former Mayor of Coon Rapids, and formerly worked as the Foundation director at Anoka Technical College. So I've had a lot of contact with her over the years. I think this is the most impressed I've been with what she is doing. I think the most rewarding for her as well.
Today I have an appointment to have my hair done this morning, and an appointment to see Dr. Norquist at HealthPartners, a follow up to the medications I am taking for Restless Leg Syndrome and the neuropathy in my feet. I'm not sure I need to be taking both of the meds prescribed, so hopefully I can eliminate one of them. Actually I've had a few moments when I thought neither of them were working, but those have been very few, and I haven't had any nights of twitching since I started taking them. I'm wondering if the chemo has something to do with that.
I also have to get that Fax taken care of....didn't happen yesterday. But I'm sure I can get that done today. Also going to run over to Kohls to pick up a few items that I have been waiting for my 30% off coupon to be good. Other than that I think it will be a quiet night and I really don't have plans for tomorrow either! Can you believe that....I may have to do laundry...and start packing. Only a week before I leave again.
I did hear that Sonja Drieste is still waiting for the doctors to decide about her surgery...I would hate to be her waiting on the doctors. Nothing worse than waiting. Sharon is doing better every day and is getting her hair cut short and a red wig before her hair falls out. No other updates, but I did get a great suggestion from Mary Brue after reading my blog yesterday and noting the long list of prayer needs. Mary suggested that I also add a list of Thank You's or comments when those prayers have been answered. So I will try and do that along the way...the fact that Ed Huber is listed as a survivor is I guess one of those answers to our prayers, the whole Cousins Chronicle group was asked to pray for Ed, and he's doing well. I'm sure there are a lot more Cousins I've asked for prayers for along the way, that are doing well....cousin Diane comes to mind...that are doing well...June Gebehart is walking daily and without pain for the first time in years...etc. So lets remember to say "Thank You" along the way....God does answer our prayers....the power of prayer is great! I'm here as proof positive.
Love and Prayers, m
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