Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More Snow?

That's what the weather report says....but nothing stuck yesterday and it hasn't snowed yet today. The sidewalks and grass look dry. Nothing like MN I saw on the weather report this morning. Looks like Duluth is really getting a blizzard. Hope you in the Twin Cities faired okay.
Yesterday, I spent a good part of the day watching "Dr. Zihvago" so that I could go along to the book club this evening with Kathleen and Gary and atleast have some idea of what they were talking about. But got interupted by a visit from Gary's son Christopher, so I'll watch the rest of it this morning....couldn't be more than 20 minutes or so.
When Christopher came, we immediately went to playing games. I spent a week with Christopher at Blairs wedding in Portland last August, so we knew each other liked to play games. I suggested I teach him how to play Onset, the game I gave Gary and Kathleen for Christmas, and had had some luck at winning since I got here. Christopher took the bait, and I beat him 3 out of 3 straight. That was enough of that for Christopher, and Gary was now fixing dinner and we had to chop carrots for him for a salad he was making. Then with not much time left before dinner Christopher suggested he teach me how to play another board game....but we only got about 5 minutes into it, when it was time to set the table for dinner.
Gary had made a huge pork roast that he had in a very slow oven for about 8 hours or so. He had basted or poured a thick marinade over the top of it and used the drippings to make more so he could pour it over the top of the sliced meat for serving. He also made palenta and that carrot salad. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go back home and have to cook for myself....I sure can't compete with the super meals that Gary makes. I'm jealous that Kathleen gets to have him cook for her every day.
After dinner the four of us proceeded to play Kingsburg again, and for some reason Kathleen won again....much to Gary's amazement. I'm guessing we will keep playing that till he beats Kathleen, as on Sunday when he won, Kathleen wasn't playing she was the ficilitator.
Christopher went home after that, and we watched the end of the Biggest Loser and Parenthood, two shows I like every week. Kathleen and I worked at finding a cheap rate for our room at the Flamingo in Vegas in July, and finally booked one at the best price we had seen all week. So now we have a room, I just have to find a cheap flight....but I'm going to wait on that for a while. Right now I'm looking for a cheap flight to Boston for the wedding I'm going to in May.
I got word already this morning that Lori Haugen's surgery went well, and that they found no sign of cancer thanks for the prayers....they are working...and thank God for that! So for now, Love and Prayers, m

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