It may snow again today, but I doubt nothing like yesterday. As I was sitting in the living room reading, a loud ferocious wind came up and along with it blinding snow. The wind whistled across the balcony and the chairs rattled and bumped against the glass. It was scary for a little while, but then it calmed down a bit, but continued to snow and blow all afternoon and evening, leaving a pile of wet snow on the ground...although most of the streets were just wet or a bit slushy.
I spent most of the day reading, as Gary had a business meeting, and I put my headphones on and listened to my new ipod and read. The book is really getting interesting, so it kept my attention most of the day.
Gary fixed several leftovers for dinner as Kathleen came home late and we had plans to go to the book club and discuss Dr. Zhivago at 7:00 p.m. We ate fast and left in the snow to a home just a couple of doors down from a home Kathleen lived in, when they first moved to SLC. It was near the University where her husband taught.
The women who was hosting was a Russian women and had wonderful stories about living in that inner circle of Moscow, and knowing many who had survived the revolution. But shortly into the discussion, Gary started getting an asthma attack and we needed to leave. Once outside he felt much better and we proceeded back to the condo. I'm sure the rest of the conversation and discussion would have been fascinating, but the background and insite the women had given while we were there was plenty for thought.... at least for me. Just watching the movie was interesting...I had seen it when it was first released, but I didn't remember anything but the snow and the music. I learned a lot from the movie and the short book club discussion.
Today, Gary will load some books for me onto my new Nook, and this evening, Kathleen and I are going to a women's group and discuss 20 pages of a book, that Kathleen had me read yesterday too, so that I can join in the discussion. It was about therapy for people in pain, life threatening illness and depression. I agreed with some of the stuff I read, but I am such a Pollyanna, that it really didn't pertain to me, and some of the methods sounded absurd to me. The discussion this evening should be interesting.
Lori Haugen (Ann's sister) came through her surgery with flying colors. The doctor saw no signs of any cancer, and left her ovaries. They still have to wait for the pathology report in a few days, but everything looked good. So thank you all for your prayers....another prayer answered! Thank You God!!
Off to another great day in SLC. Love and Prayers, m
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