Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunny Sunny Day!

Beautiful day in Salt Lake City, going to be warm and wonderful!
Yesterday was a good day, Kathleen and I started out by watching the movie "Water for Elephants" and enjoyed that a lot. Then after lunch we headed up to the Museum of Natural History, it has only been open a couple of months and it was spectacular. The building is amazing, the displays and interactive posts were great and kids were enjoying them every where you looked. I think you could walk through this place 10 times and see something you missed the time before. So glad we finally got there.
After that, Kathleen and I went to Trolley Square as she wanted to show me a couple of stores she really likes. When we got there one of the stores was gone, along with 2/3's of the businesses there are. I was shocked, as it was a thriving place to shop and be years ago. Actually they have added several buildings with space for lots of shops, that have never been filled. I don't know if its because of the down turn in the economy we took a couple of years back, or if it's that the new City Creek Shopping Mall is opening in a few weeks. Anyway from there we did some grocery shopping, and headed home.
We had dinner and then headed up to Ogden (not Logan) for a Friends of Ogden Acoustic Music, concert. Fred Eaglesmith and his band of several (5) great vocal and talented musicians. The evening was very enjoyable, and Fred told lots of jokes in between a folksy, conglomerate of music pieces. I really couldn't categorize him as country, or folk, or blues, or jazz, he and his band are a combination of all of it.
We got home late, and I read the end of my book and went to bed.
Today we are going to a Chinese resturant for brunch...or Dim Sum...and don't know what the plans are for the afternoon. I think we may walk around the new City Creek Mall which is a block away from their condo, peek in some windows and see what it looks like inside. The City Creek looks like the it is running through the inside. Anxious to see it, but it doesn't officially open till the 23rd I think. Other than that, I guess I have no news to report. Love and prayers, m

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