Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leaving Just In Time!

Snow and rain coming this evening, so I'm glad to be leaving while it's still in the 50's. But no sun this morning and windy. Gary is going for a walk, but I said no thanks! I don't like walking in the wind. Anyway I have to be packed and ready to go by 12 noon when Kathleen is picking me up and taking me to the airport.
Yesterday it was glorious here. 65 degrees, Sunny and little breeze. Gary had some morning meeting and when he returned, he brought ingredients for us to pack a lunch and have a picnic in the garden areas by the Temple.
We walked the half a block down and found a bench in a warm and sunny spot. We stopped along the way to take some pictures of the flower gardens and I have added a couple here for you to see.

The second picture is from the street right in front of Kathleen and Gary's condo, so you can see how close they live. The third picture is of a perigan's nest which he decided to perch on the edge so we could see while eating our picnic lunch and chirped a welcome to us.
After lunch we walked back to the new Mall, (across the street to the West) so I could take some pictures there, but the fountains were off as they were working on one that wasn't completed yet, so I didn't get to take that picture but Gary promised to share his with me.
We did some shopping, and then returned to the condo and shortly thereafter Kathleen was home for the afternoon. Kathleen and I played Onset and I beat her, but before we could play a second, dinner was ready....Gary made some parmasean crusted pork chops and Mint roasted vegetables. Oh my gosh it was all so good. I'm going to go through withdrawal this afternoon without Gary cooking my dinner.
Of course we had to hurry and clean up the dinner dishes, so we could play Kingsburg one last time...and wouldn't you know it Gary won!

Note the smile on his face!!! I did come in a close second! for once....I usually tagged far behind the other two.
Kathleen and I proceeded to watch the end of The Voice and all of Smash, and then we worked on getting some of her pictures uploaded to Costco that she was having trouble doing on her own....but it finally worked.
So it's sadly time to say goodbye, and I can't wait to come back....or at least have them in Minnesota with me. Loved every minute of this relaxing two weeks. I'm afraid I may have gained a few pounds but it was all worth it. Thank you again Kathleen and Gary. Now I'm heading for Sedona, but it will be a long day. I fly out at 2 p.m. but will be at the airport about 12:30 p.m. and then I get into Phoenix at 3:40 and don't get on the Shuttle till 6 p.m. and then don't get to The Village of Oak Creek where Bonnie is till 9 p.m. tonight.
So for the next week, my entries might be spotty. I'll try to do some facebook entries for sure, and I will go to the library or the clubhouse where they have wifi and write at least once or twice. But don't look for me each morning....Sorry!! Love and prayers, m

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