Gene would have been 76 today....and it's been almost 5 years since he died. Can't believe that! Sorry to say no sunshine yet!
I had a much better day yesterday. I showered and got dressed and ran some, groceries and dropped off my "chances are" donation for the NSWC brunch. So feeling pretty good about all that. My back wasn't aching like it did the day before, I seemed to have energy again and even did some laundry and a few other mundane things like organized my scarves in my closet. I've decided that I better not buy anymore....I have way too many already. But I do love wearing them....thank goodness they are in style right now. I think I almost have as many scarves as I have shoes! lol
Today, I am heading for the cabin, and Judy will join me later this afternoon. The sun is supposed to come out later today, and tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer. Just love getting away every now and then...and the cabin is the perfect place to rest and relax. After the beginning of this week, I don't need the rest, and really looking forward to the fun Judy and I have together.
Tomorrow I will be making my mom's poppy strudel for the Sunday Lenten group potluck....and letting Judy watch to see how it's done. I might even let her have a piece. I'm sure I'll have enough to share.
Well I better get things going here or Judy will beat me to the cabin. Love and Prayers, m
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