Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Rain?

Where was this moisture when we were looking for snow? The bushes are budding out and the grass really is getting green. I can see a Cardinal high in the neighbors tree and birds are coming to my feeder. So I believe the calendar...Spring has Sprung!!
Yesterday went well, I had an infusion of my Exturba, and then an orientation for Pathways in South Mpls at 2:30....I was worried I wouldn't make it, but it all worked out and I got there with plenty of time to spare.
I'm so impressed with Pathways, I can take classes, get massages, Reiki, yoga, qigong etc. and all is free. The building has rooms I could use for meditation, a library for reading, an art room with everything I would want to paint and even sand tables to make a scene to express my feelings. I got to come home to browse the schedule and pick out about a dozen things I'd like to do in the next month. But now I have to wait and see which I get. I also got to put my name on a waiting list for acupuncture....I'm guessing that won't happen, but we'll see.
I forgot to ask you for prayers for a couple of families yesterday...I won't tell you their names, but know that they could really use some prayers. One sent me a card telling me how they have been praying for me and supporting me in my struggles, but have also been going through some things this winter that they would like some prayers for. I hope you know how much all your prayers mean to me, and feel your support everyday. God's blessings are showered down on me through each of you....and I'm sure that happens for all those I'm praying for too.
Today I will deliver Meals On Wheels at noon, and then I guess I'll work on cleaning the house for Sunday when the Lenten Group meets at my house....also have some laundry to do, stuff I brought home from the cabin, so I can take it back up with me.
That's all for and prayers, m

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