I can't deny that the green grass, and everything is budding out so early....I even got to see that the ice is out on Sylvia!!! But....it would all look better with the sun shining on it!!
I did get to the cabin yesterday, and saw for myself that the ice is out....was just there on Saturday and it wasn't, but sometime between then and yesterday it all disappeared. Didn't stay long at the cabin....ate my lunch, put away the laundry I was returning, turned the heat down again, and fed the birds.
Last Saturday at the craft show I bought a new container for suet, and also they sold me a bag of thread, yarn and dryer lint, to put in it to give the birds nesting stuff. So I have that hung and am anxious to see if the birds use it. So far it doesn't look like it has been used, but I think it is a little early for building nests....but those birds will be coming North soon.
Judy came up around 3 p.m. and we waited for Val to come, and then left for Gabes (near the fair grounds and Como park. The trick was getting there. I knew where it was, and had looked up a map of the area, and planned my route, but in talking I got distracted and missed my turn on energy park drive, and took another turn after crossing a large group of railroad tracks, and then started getting extremely lost...and finally stopped and put on the GPS. It turned out that we weren't far from the right place, but had been headed in the wrong direction. So once turned around, we got there in a matter of minutes. Luckily the restaurant was not too busy when we finally got there, and were able to order and get our food in good order. The food was very good, and we had an enjoyable evening.
No big plans for today, slept in till 8 a.m., and then proceeded to do some computer stuff, like bill paying, and reading email etc. so that's why this is a little later than normal.
I did read a long caringbridge entry from my cousin Louie who spent the last day in the Hospital after an episode with afib!! But he is back home and things are as well as can be expected with the Multiple Systems Atrophy. I also heard an update on Sonja Driste, and sounds like she is doing well under the circumstances too! She has to lay flat in bed, but can't lay on her back, so she is rolled from side to side every two hours. Sounds like hell to me, but they are pleased at how well she is doing. She will be in the hospital for as long as three weeks, and still is not allowed any visitors other than immediate family. Wow, it makes me think what I went through was nothing compared to either of these two. Please keep the prayers coming for both of them, as well as the others on my list....and those I've forgotten to list! Love and prayers, m
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