Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Back!!! and the Sun is Shining

I actually got home late Monday night, and cousin Judy picked me up and took me to her house in Shakopee for the night. Then took me to chemo yesterday and home when that was done. Thank you to Judy for that.
While on the plane Monday night, I started getting chills and was actually shaking, so I figured out I had another urinary track infection. When landing I called and left a message for Judy, that I was sick, and had landed and that I would be at Door 6 in about 1/2 hour. I hadn't realized that I was in row 43, of 44 rows and wouldn't get off the plane for 15 minutes and then had to walk for 20 minutes to get to the baggage carousel....didn't help the way I felt. Luckily by the time I got to carousel 4 my luggage was about the only bag left on I quickly unpacked my winter jacket to warm myself up....and Judy had just pulled up.
Once at Judy's I took my night pills, and Judy only had a Aleve, so I took one of them also. When I got into bed, I got even hotter and really got scared....but finally fell asleep, and only got up once during the night for the bathroom....and right back to sleep.
When at HHH they took my blood draw, temp 100.5, pulse and blood pressure which was again high 160/81, Then I told Dr. Londer I was pretty positive I had another urinary track infection, and he immediately ordered me a antibiotic, which I started taking while having my chemo. Other than that, he thought I looked great, so did my blood work. He always says I look great, and if you didn't know I had cancer and having chemo, you would never guess it. I am handling that part well.
Judy took me home when it was done, and I think I got home about 2 p.m. or a little before. She left me off and went home, so I could sleep. I laid down at 2, and about 10 minutes later the mailman rang the doorbell, and handed me a large bundle of mail. So I looked at that sorting through it, for about 10 minutes, and went back to taking my nap. I woke up at 5 p.m. when the 5 news came on on channel 11. I couldn't figure out what Mike Pomerance was doing on TV, as I couldn't figure out where I was....Sedona....oh that's right I was in Coon Rapids. I took my bundle of mail and started actually opening and sorting into three piles....reading, bills, and filing. Then proceeded to the computer, and spent a long time deleting emails, answering a few, and switching my browser to chrome instead of firefox. I finally at around 7:30, and continued with uploading pictures for facebook and costco and ordered prints. I didn't go to bed till 1 a.m. and then slept for about an hour, and woke up damp from a night sweat which I always get that first night of chemo, and proceeded to was every hour damp as well. Got up at 7:45 a.m.
So this morning, I was adding dates to my calendar, and realized they hadn't scheduled me for my Erbitux infusion. So I now have that done, and I will be delivering Meals on Wheels today at noon. Then have some shopping to do both at Kohls and groceries.
My friend Lottie is doing well and thanks everyone for the prayers. My cousin Judy has scheduled her knee replacement surgery for April 13, and Sonya Drieste's 2-day surgery is actually this Friday and Saturday. Please keep her in yours prayers, they are both 10 hour surgeries. I can't imagine that, mine was 1 10 hour day....that was bad enough!!! Mark Brue's father-in-law Gary Johnson died on Tuesday morning early. So please pray for his family, as many of them have to traveling from out-of-state for his funeral. Nate, my nephew is having a MRI on his back to see what they can do to fix it....a couple of non medical requests so lots of prayers needed. I think that is all the updates and prayer requests I have right now.
Love and prayers, m

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