Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thank You God for the Son Shine

So nice to wake up to sunshine. I'm sure God sent it especially for my last day of chemo. I keep saying the last chemo, but that won't be unless the CTscan comes out good in April. From there who knows what will happen.
Yesterday as the day went on, I felt worse and worse.....my back was killing me, and I started running a fever and chills set in. I called the doctor to get some meds, and then took 2 extra strength Tylenol and found a blanket and laid on the couch. The nurse finally called, and I had to go out and get the prescription (this time he gave me 14 days)....it was freezing out there....I put on about 3 layers....I'm sure it wasn't that cold, but the fever made it seem colder. I took a pill immediately and went back to the couch.
I stayed on the couch almost all evening and then went to bed. I do feel somewhat better this morning...no fever, but my back is still sore. I have the neighbor Lavonne driving me over to HHH and dropping me off, and then my cousin Judy will come and sit with me, and then bring me back home. I'm guessing I will go back to the couch and sleep for the rest of the evening.
I got an email from cousin June asking for prayers for her friend Catherine, who was in a car accident and needs three or more surgeries.....please say some prayers for her.
Say some for me and my UTI too. Love and prayers, m

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