Thursday, March 22, 2012

Enough of the Rain, Where is the Sun?

I'll take just a few sights of sun! I know the Son is here, but I always like that warm reminder.
Yesterday I delivered Meals on Wheels, and went and had a Chinese Massage, that I had found a coupon for, and really thought my back needed it. It was probably the best massage I've had in my life. I guess it was a combination of Chinese, Thai and something else. It really helped my back and I'll definitely go back and have another when I can afford it...or find another coupon.
Got the name tags of the members done for the Brunch....and the grass pots are really doing well...the grass is about an inch tall. I can't believe how fast it came up. The seeds did say fast growing....but I thought it would take a few weeks.
This morning, I plan on going up to the cabin and returning the laundry I brought home, take up some pictures of mom that I framed, and pick up my new scarf I forgot up there and some groceries I left on Saturday. It will be a quick trip, hoping to see if the ice is out on the lake yet too! Don't think it would be a record, but the normal ice out is about the 12th of April.
I got a report on the traffic on this blog this morning, and I'm getting really close to 20,000 visits. I really have a hard time believing anyone reads this stuff at all, much less comes back day after day to read it. For me, it is really therapeutic. It gives me a chance to write my fears and hopes, my wishes, my thank you's, my coming and going's, my aches and pains, my request for prayer and my love for all of you. Thank you for caring enough to read this everyday...or whenever you have a chance.
Tonight I'm going to dinner with Val Knight and my cousin Judy. I have a $25 certificate from for Gabes and needed more than one to help use it. Hope it is good food, I know the company will be. That's all for today, love and prayers, m

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