Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunny but Normal for March?

Sure....soon as I plant pansies outside my front door, a cold front came through last night. It's the coldest morning in two weeks. But I guess we can't complain about 50's and 60's. Today it is supposed to be sunny, so I am happy about that. The grass I have growing in my kitchen already needs to be mowed and it took only one week to get it that way.
I had a really good day yesterday. Starting with lunch with Rosie, Bruce and Jim Arnott. Jim and I have a long going Birthday thing, and I have always been the Queen of our club....only because Jim is 4 months younger than me. So yesterday he treated me to lunch for my Birthday. We had good food (Monte Carlo in downtown Mpls) and great conversations lasting better than 2 hours.
From there I headed out to buy some herbs and pansies to plant. I planted an herb garden for indoors, and hopefully can transplant at the cabin in May but for now I'll get the use of them in my kitchen. The pansies are pretty hardy, I planted them in a container outside my front door, so I'm not worried about them being outside.
At 6 p.m., I headed to Bill and Kim's for Katie's birthday party. I finally got to see all the family and grandkids (minus the Chicago crew) for the first time since the middle of February. Kim's sister Kari and her husband, and her brother Karl and his family were there as well. Katie and Ani (there exchange student) have been invited to prom, so earlier in the day they went dress shopping, and we got to see them model their dresses. All in all it was a fun evening getting caught up on all the happenings in the last month or so.
Today I have church this morning, and this evening the Lenten group will meet here, so I will have a little picking up to do before that, but I'm pretty much ready for them. I do have to look over the readings and questions for discussion too.
Don't have any updates on the prayer list, but ask that you continue to pray for those I have on my list and any others I've asked for prayers for. Love and prayers, m

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