Friday, March 16, 2012

Beware the Ides of March!

I don't know if Shakespeare has anything to do with this strange weather we are having, but I'll take it. I have cabin fever, and my cousin Judy and I will go there today!....stay overnight, spend some time in Maple Lake tomorrow with all their St. Patrick's Day festivities. I can hardly wait.
I have almost everything packed except the food, which you wouldn't think would be much....but I've decided to take my pressure cooker and do a beef brisket and boiled dinner of cabbage potatoes and carrots.
I slept well again last night not waking up for 6 hours in a row....however last night while watching TV and working on the computer, my neuropathy in my feet was bothering me for the first time in a long time. For some reason both the neuropathy and the RLS pills seem to be overridden by the chemo....but only the first couple of days after the infusion. So this morning, everything seems to be fine.
Yesterday, I got unplugged for the 5th round of chemo, then headed home to get ready for today, and then went to dinner with my First Friday group....only I got there at 5:30 when they usually meet, and not paying attention to my calendar which said it had been changed to 6:00 this month, but that was a long time ago, and several towns. Anyway I sat by myself for 1/2 hour wondering where everyone was...Kathie didn't answer her phone, and I left a message for her, but Helen had answered my email I sent out earlier, but was the only one who responded to it, and she wasn't going to make I was beginning to think I was going to be the only one there. Then....about 5:50 I decided to look at my calendar one more time....and sure enough I noticed it said 6:00 in large writing! Made me feel a lot better and told the waitress who had been to the table no less than 5 times wondering if I wanted to order anything besides my ice tea....and sure enough almost all of them arrived at 6 p.m. sharply....cept for Chris who was lost....sorta! The food and conversation made up for the 1/2 hour wait, and I went home refreshed and full!
My friend has been in surgery for several hours already (my guess) as she will have a 10 hour surgery today and another tomorrow. So please keep her in your prayers....along with her family.
Lottie Virnig reported how well she is doing, and the warm weather has been a big help with her chemo too.
Cousin Louis is in Indiana at a conference of his community "People of Praise", and seems to be handling the long hours....mostly by the bolstering seeing so many friends and his two daughters.
Nothing else to report. Love and Prayers, m

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