It's supposed to get a little warmer everyday from now till Tuesday when I leave topping out at about 60. I hope Sedona is following suit. I haven't checked the weather there yet.
Yesterday didn't quite go as I thought it was going to. It kept changing all day. Kathleen and I headed out early for my 1:30 Reiki appointment, so I could go to Walgreens to get a prescription filled. The only one they couldn't get to me before I left for vacation. The doctor had to order it as it didn't have a refill, and this one only said it could be filled once. Anyway, Walgreens said it was going to take more than 20 minutes, so we told them that we would come back later. So we did a little shopping there, and then went to Angela's home where she does the Reiki. Kathleen came in and left me there and I don't know what she did for the next hour, but returned and was so quiet that no one in the house (Angela, me or her husband) knew that she had returned and was sitting in the living room reading a book. So when Angela was done with the Reiki, she left the room to get me a glass of water, not seeing Kathleen and Kathleen not seeing her or maybe she wasn't back yet....Angela and I started talking and I kinda told her my whole medical story as well as stuff about my family and other small talk for about another 1/2 hour or so, and we finally decided to check on Kathleen and low and behold there she was waiting for us. So then her husband joined the group and we stayed there visiting for at least another 1/2 hour or more. So by the time we left her house there wasn't time to go to the Museum, pick up my drugs and have dinner and get to the theater by 7 p.m. So we skipped the Museum and will try it again today. We did however do all the other things I just listed.
Dinner got changed from Gary making to us going to a Mexican Market, that has a small cafe attached to it....well right in it...barely room for 3 small tables that hold 2 each, and a bar that has about 6 chairs...and next to the tables on one side is the aisles of groceries and at the far end is the meat counter. We had some great taco's, rice and beans. I wouldn't mind going back there for more, but I don't think we have time to do all the things Kathleen has planned the way it is.
From there we went to a Theater for a movie that the Salt Lake City Arts Council was showing. It was called "Pina" and was about a German woman who choreagraphed dances about life and made them into a movie but never lived to see the movie...throughout the dancers would comment on the pieces that they had danced or on Pina and how she encouraged them to dance and be better at what they were doing. The music and dancing was extraordinary, and we all loved it. I had one part I wasn't fond of, but both Kathleen and Gary liked....other than that we all agreed.
We got home about 9 or so, and again played 3 rounds of Cut Throat. I ended up losing and drawing twice, but Kathleen also had to draw once to Gary's amusement. So he might have gone to bed smiling last night.
Today we have plans to go to the Museum again, and also a concert of sorts, an acoustic guitar and singer that is playing in a small venue of about 200 seats. It is someone that Kathleen and Gary have heard before and really it should be good. It is up in Logan, just North of SLC, and we haven't decided if we will go up early and walk around town, and have dinner there, or just have dinner here and then drive up. So I'll tell you all about that tomorrow.
Did I tell you that Lottie went home from the Hospital on Wednesday, and she had her 5th round of chemo has only one to go on the 23rd of March. Please keep her and my cousin Louis who had his last OT and PT session yesterday and seems to have declining strength on his right side do to the Multiple Systems Atrophy. Also I heard that Roger Freeman, the head of the
Building and Maintenance departments at the college had a TIA, but is doing well on vacation in Florida. So keep those prayers coming. Love and prayers, m
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