Monday, March 19, 2012

Have Stranger Things Happened?

At church yesterday, kids were wearing shorts, sandals were seen on several people, and a rather summer like attire was flaunted throughout the church. The temp in my car showed 82 later in the day, however, the official record for Mpls was only 79 I believe. Very unlike March weather in Minnesota.
I got a lot done yesterday...was rather busy....went to breakfast with Gary and Carolyn Buhr after church, then came home and read the paper and got organized with coupons etc. to do some power shopping.
The NSWC has us donate an item for "Chances Are" and I have decided to put together a basket of things for the Teen girls that attend. So between Michael's, Bath and Body, Target and Kohls, I think I have picked up everything I need to fill a basket. Then I also did some grocery shopping....just a little....really only needed to pick up about 4 things....and got out of the story with just over $20 worth of stuff.
After shopping I came home and proceeded to plant 100 little pots of grass for the brunch as well. They will be part of the centerpieces on the tables. Sure hope it works!! I'll be in big trouble if it doesn't. Now I have a kitchen table covered with black plastic and all these grass pots covered with Saran wrap.
Then while gathering shoes for a donation through our Lenten group, and a bag of clothes for Courage Center to be picked up this morning, I heard someone at the front door, and it was my son Bill returning my car and picking up his. They had taken my car to Florida for spring break, and left me with their older mini van. So then I talked with him about all that had gone on the last month since we saw each other, and by then it was time for me to leave for my Lenten Study group meeting.
Finally returned home by 9:00 p.m. and had to finish gathering stuff for the courage center pickup. Then kinda just vegged for the rest of the evening.
This morning, I've already gotten a lot done. I ordered refills on prescriptions and then contacted Mayo, and finally got a date and a new doctor to see in April. I think it is April 18 with a Dr. Reuben. My doctor I've always seen, left the Mayo clinic in Dec. and moved to Holland. Hope this new one is as nice as the old one. Whatever he's like, I'm glad to have the appointment set, and hoping the news will be good.
Those I've been requesting prayers for are doing well. But Lottie has asked for prayers for her husband who's leg isn't healing well. I'm not sure what kind of surgery he had, I didn't think it was on a leg, but I'll check that out, and would like prayers for him anyway.
I've got lots more to do today, Love and prayers, m

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