Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March Showers Bring?

April showers bring May flowers....so what does March showers bring? Green Grass? It sure looks green out my window this morning.
It also has made my arthritis in my hips flare up....I even got up and took a pain pill during the night...first time in months....I did sleep well after that.
Spent all day yesterday messing around with my old computer that Phil put a new hard drive in and lots more memory...but had wiped out a lot of music from Gene's ipod, so I restored it from a backup I had made a year ago....and that took almost 6 hours to do, then Windows was still giving me problems, and I worked at figuring out what fixes, and scans I needed to get it to work properly, and in the end...after more hours of frustration...it was the time and date on the computer that needed to be reset. How easy was that....then I couldn't get itunes to recognize my ipod....and I needed to unload and reload itunes to get that to work.....so about 10 p.m. last night I think I finally got it all to work. Computers!!!! Ughhhhh! But I do have Gene's music.
Today, I have to go get my infusion of Erbitux, and also pick up some prescriptions I refilled, and then off to Pathways, for a Orientation session. Pathways is a place I will be able to get Qigong, Reiki, Yoga, etc. free. It is for persons with life-threatening illnesses. So I'm excited about that. They encourage you to attend something every week.
I got an email from lifelong friend Linda Zimmer yesterday letting me know that Don Fournier another friend of Holy Name grade school days, has been diagnosed with stage 1 Parkinson's, so please add him to your prayers. Jim Zimmer is also recovering well from his extensive back surgery he had this winter, and Linda replies he is even smiling again!!! So I'll add another answer to our prayers there....as well as a big Thank You God for that!!! Also in the thank you's, Lori Haugen got a good clean report back too!
Don't have much else to report....Oh, I did get an appointment at Mayo for my CT scan on April 18, so hopefully the spots will all be gone. Prayers Please!!! Love and praryers, m

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