It is so nice to be at the cabin. Love every minute of it.
Yesterday Judy and I got here about noon, and went straight out to the deck to read some magazines in the sun. We also had lunch out there. What a special day it was. We later ran to town to pick up a few things, and Judy bought me a new outdoor thermometer...the old one was laying on the ground...and when I picked up to rehang it, the thing was full of water. I still tried to hang it, but the brackets on the back were gone as well. So now I have a brand new one thanks to Judy.
We played some cards. Ate some dinner. Plzayed some more cards....talked a lot, and by 10:30 we wereready for bed.
We each won a few cribbage games, but when we switched to gin, she killed me. But maybe today will be my turn. We plan to go to a craft show in Maple Lake this morning, and then surprise Mary Scheiber with a visit, and then return to the cabin for more sun and I'm making corned beef and cabbige for dinner, and then we have to go home.
I heard that Sonja Dreiste came through the first day of surgery went well. Keep praying for that second day today. Thank you God for this beautifull weather you have given us, and for the friend ships we share. Love and prayers, m p.s. sorry fore the typos...I'm doing this on the nook.
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