Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sedona Sunshine

I'm in Sedona uuusing my Nook for the first time to do my blog.
This morning we went to one of our favorite places,Red Rock Crossing for a hike, and it was as gorgios as ever. There is a vortex there and lots of carins (rocks piled on top of each other). Tben we came back tothe Village of Oak Creek for a reflexology treatment.It was one hour ofpure blliss.
We have plans to see a flute player on Sat.nite and cousin is coming for lunch. On Sunday we are going to a Sharon Isbin,guitar concert with Joan Biaz and the Sedona C
hamber Music...I can't wait.
We have a couple more hikes planned, and onMondayI head for home. See Facebook for some pictures and more updates.
Pray for Soonya Driste that will have two 10 hour surgery's Fri. And Sat. Love and prayers, m

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