I guess it was just like my wifi. All winter when I had it turned off....it really worked for all who brought their computers....however, I brought my computer with me on Friday, and low and behold, they finally have turned it off, and neither my computer or my Nook would work without wifi. Thus, I did not do a blog yesterday.
The sun was turned off yesterday too! All week they promised us a beautiful Saturday, so I got my cabin fever revved up and I was raring to go on Friday morning. I did see the sun later in the afternoon on Friday and posted a picture on Facebook to prove it....but yesterday it was nowhere to be found....in fact my new thermometer on the tree didn't make it out of the 40's.
Judy and I made the most of it though. After a leisurely breakfast we wondered into town to get more bird food, and a few other things. Then while waiting for some frozen bread dough to raise, we started a marathon cribbage tournament. I got double skunked and I skunked Judy once, but I still ended up winning 7 games first. I think Judy won 6, and I know once she was in the sink hole when I won....so it was close!
In the middle of that I made 3 large pans of Poppy Strudel. The cabin smelled wonderful. I shared one pan with Judy, one is for the potluck today, and then I took some to my cousin Mary in Maple Lake on my way home, and then when I got home I divided the last pan with Burrington's, Salisbary's and me. I'm sure the sugar high was worth it....it was good, and Judy and Cheri Salisbary both reported that!
Judy and I did a lot of bird watching, as well as squirrel and chipmunk, and even spotted a bunny. But the birds were of most interest, cause we saw a new bird we had to look up in the bird book to name. It was a Fox Sparrow, and very unsparrow like. 7", fat, and very unusual coloring. We also saw cardinals, chick-a-dee, nuthatch, woodpeckers, and junco's. So not having sun didn't bother us much.
My back has been bothering me a lot the last couple of days, and I had a bad night on Friday....so last night I ended up getting up and taking an Oxycontin....and then slept well...but when the alarm went off at 7 a.m....I just couldn't make myself get out of bed.... in fact I fell back to sleep till 8 a.m. My back is better this morning, but still not great, and I know I couldn't have made it through the long Palm Sunday service. Hopefully going to the Lenten Group this afternoon, and then the Cantata will make up for me missing Mass. I'm sure God will forgive me.
Tomorrow, hopefully I will finally get my last chemo for this series. I've arranged for LaVonne to drive me over in the morning, and Judy will come and see if she can beat me at cribbage....she creamed me last Tuesday at HHH, so I'm pretty sure it's her turn again.
Thank you for all the prayers for me and my list of those in need. Love and prayers, m
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