Monday, April 30, 2012

Cloudy Again! Uuuuggghhhh!

The weather channel said it was going to be sunny and 71 degrees in Annandale today....but I don't see it yet. Been waiting since 7 a.m. for the sun, along with the plumber and the painter and none of them have appeared yet. The painter did call last night and said he would be here around 8:30 or 9, so I guess he's not late....but the temp is only 49 right I'm thinking the sun is late....the plumber didn't give me a time, so just as I typed this, the painter and his brother arrived. So he's on time. Now it's just he sun and the plumber I'm waiting on! Yesterday I went to the late Mass (10:30) and luckily the choir was singing so Carolyn Buhr was there cause Gary sings in the choir. She came and sat next to me otherwise I didn't know very many people there....and it was First Communion for about 15 or so kids, they got to sit where I normally sit, so that was strange too. I may try it again, but really miss seeing all my friends...that's really church for me....the community I've built over the years. After church I came home and took a nap, and then started packing for the cabin....or maybe that was vise-versa....anyway I headed to the cabin about 3 in the afternoon, stopping at the local grocery store and then got to the cabin around 4:30 or so. I picked up some dinner, so when I finished unpacking the car and putting all the food away, I sat down and had dinner. I went out and feed the birds and critters too! I watched some TV and played on the computer till about 10 p.m. and then headed to bed....bored with the TV and tired of the hard chair I have to sit on for the computer. I didn't sleep very well, back to the old routine of waking every hour or so. Not resting well...I got up and took a Vicodin but that didn't seem to make much difference....I slept maybe 2 hours then between looking at the clock. At 5:30 a.m. I got up and took a couple Tylenol and managed to stay in bed till almost 7 a.m. Then I figured I better get up and get dressed before the workers came. I just plan on staying out of the way of everyone today. Play on the some and just relax. If the sun comes out I may go out and put up some new feeders and try to find the suet feeder the critters carried down the hill. I think I saw it a few weeks ago when I was here, but we'll see if it's still there. Yesterday in my blog I made a typo, and said I was going to "bed" the painter...instead of "beg" him to get the 40 lb bag of bird food out of the van for me. My sister called me within minutes of me posting it, and she and Gary were in hysterics laughing, and I said I would go in and correct it, but she told me not see how many responses I'd get from it....then right after hanging up the phone, Mary Brue emailed also laughing and suggesting that a cup of coffee and a cookie might do. Kathleen thought I should get a discount on the paint job. lol Other than that, they were the only two that noticed it. Where are all you proof readers? You might want to go back and get your laugh for the day!! I forgot to mention that Bill finally got a hold of Phyllis last night, and it's the RR ties in the back lot that she was complaining about, but she said if we were going to use them for a retaining wall, which Bill said we were, she'd tell the township that we were in compliance. I really don't know why she doesn't like us. But hopefully if we remove them or use them....whatever...she will be happy...and that's what my goal in life is. Not!! Well the painters are well on their way to filling all the holes and dents in the walls and preparing them for paint! I can't wait to see how nice it looks when they are done. They think it may be a two day job...even with both of them here...but I don't mind, cause I planned on being here anyway. Talk to you tomorrow! Love and Prayers, m

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